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[英语] 《Unit7 Lesson14 Dream Jobs》教学设计 模板

发表于 2015-4-8 09:19:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、 教材分析:
   本课时的教学内容是闽教版教材小学英语六年级下册第七单元( Dream jobs)的第14课,主要涉及的语言特点是复习有关职的名称以及询问和叙述某人的职业等。根据教学内容确立本课时的:
1. 教学目标:
(1) 知识目标:复习10个表示职业的单词: teacher、nurse、singer、dancer、farmer、worker、policeman、doctor、pilot、airhostess。新学单词:cook。
掌握句型:Do you want to be a(an)…?  Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
(2) 能力目标:能听懂并理解Learn to say的对话。
重点句型:Do you want to be a(an)…? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
难点句型:Singers often work on holidays. They can make people happy.
本节课的授课对象是小学六年级的学生。他们的学习习惯较好、有较强的求知欲、极具学习潜力。在第六册Unit 7中他们已经学过一些表示职业的单词。如:teacher、nurse、singer、dancer、farmer、worker、policeman、doctor、pilot。学生也学了询问别人职业What do you want to be?的句子,因为带班时间长,学生比较熟悉教师的指令语。这些都为本课的教学打下了基础。
三、 教学策略
四、 教学过程
Step1.Warming up
1. Greetings。
T: Welcome to my class. I’m very glad today, because we’ll have a wonderful English class together.
2. Sing a song:Bingo
利用课件播放英语儿歌,让学生Listen and do the actions.
T: You’re supper! Do you like the song?
Ss: Yes, we do.
T: That’s good! Nice music can make people happy. (有意渗透课文难句)
T: Do you remember the dog’s name?
Ss: Bingo.
T: That’s true! You have a good memory!
1. Talk show:
T: Now let’s play talk show. Look at this picture. She is a teacher, just like me .Here is the word ‘teacher ’.Can you make some sentences with this word?
S1: I said ’Good afternoon’ to my teacher.
T: You’re very polite.
S2: I have many teachers and friends.
T: That’s very nice.
S3: My teacher is very kind to us.
T: So you love your teacher. Right?
S3: Yes.
T: Thank you. Sit down, please.
Look at this photo. Who is she? Can you guess?
Ss: She is Miss Lin.
T: That’s right. This is me. I went to Beijing in the winter vacation. It was very cold and windy there. I visited the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and Tiananmen Square. Please say something about your English teacher.
S4: My English teacher is Miss Lin.
T: That’s true. I am your English teacher.
S5: My English teacher is very beautiful.
T: Really? Oh, how exciting! Thank you very much.
S6: My English teacher is not a man.
T: Of course I’m not a man. I am a woman.
S7: My English teacher is a good woman.
T: You’re a good girl, too.
S8:My English teacher is not very young.
T: That’s true. I am not younger than your mother, right? I look young, but I am not young.
S9: Miss Lin has a young brother. He has gone to Greece.
T: Yes. My young brother has gone to Greece. So I miss him sometimes. I told you that before, you have a good memory.
S10: Miss Lin is wearing a pair of sunglasses in the picture.
Y: Yes. I like wearing sunglasses because that can make me more beautiful.
2. Revision
T: Boys and girls. I’m a teacher. I teach you English. So you know I’m an English teacher. Do you understand? It’s my job. I like my job very much. (问一男生)Boy, what’s your job? Are you a teacher, too?
S1: No, I’m not.
T: What’s your job?
S1: I’m a pupil/student.
T: That’s right. Thank you. You are a student.(师转向一男生)What’s his job?
Ss: He is a student.(师转向一女生)What’s her job? What does she do?
Ss: She is a student, too.
T: Yes, you’re all students. Teaching is a job. We know there are many jobs in the world .So we go on to talk about some jobs this class.
揭题Unit 7 Lesson 14
Step3.Presentation and practice
(一) 单词的复习与教学
T: I am a teacher, my mother is a teacher, too,and what about my grandma? Can you guess? What’s her job?
Ss:Is she a teacher?
T:  Sorry. Please try again .Look (师出示farmer图片).She is a farmer. She is very old now.
My grandma is a farmer. My aunt/uncle is a farmer. They are all farmers.
Look at this man, he is working. So we know he is a worker.
师出示worker 单词卡,采用拼音法领读单词(渗透语音规则,提高学生识记单词的方法和记忆单词的效率)
3. 看课件复习dancer
T: Look at the screen. How beautiful she is! Who is she? Do you know this woman? What’s her name? (课件出示邰丽华照片)
Ss: Yes. She is Tai Lihua.
T: Good. What’s her job?
Ss: She is a dancer.
T: Yes, She is dancing Qian Shou Guan Yin .She loves to dance. And she practices hard every day, she is a good dancer.
4. 通过Free talk 复习singer
T: When I was a little girl, I liked singing. I had a dream. I wanted to be a singer. 复习单词singer
But now I am a teacher. Look! They are some famous singers. They are all my favorite singers(课件显示刘欢、宋祖英、韩红、迈克.杰克逊)
T: Who is your favorite singer? Can you tell me?
S1:My favorite singer is 周杰伦。
T: Do you want to be a singer like him?
S1:Yes, I do.
T: But you know: That’s very special work. Singers are always very busy, they don’t have much free time. We don’t need to go to school on holidays, but singers often work on holidays. They can sing many beautiful songs for you and me. So they can make people happy.  Right?
教学句子:Singers often work on holidays. But they can make people happy.
T: Let’s have a good look! What can you find among these five words? Can you find the same? Can you find something special?
T: Who is she? Do you know this woman?
Ss: No.
T: I don’t know either. But I know her job. She is a doctor. d-o-c-t-o-r, doctor. But I want you to pay more attention to this word. If I change the small letter to big letter d-D, there is another word ,another meaning, 让学生理解doctor医生,Doctor博士.
T:  Look, this man is very famous .Who is he? What’s his name?
Ss: He is Liu Dehua.
T:  Yes, he is a very famous actor. But what does he do in the picture?What’s his job?
S3: He is a policeman.
T: He is a policeman. He is so cool. Now I really want to be a policewoman.
让学生跟读policeman 及policewoman.
T: We can say both of them“police officer”
T: Now look at another picture. Who is he?
Ss: He is 杨利伟.
T: What’s his job?
Ss: He is a pilot.
T:Great! He was a pilot in 1987. 11 years later, he became an astronaut. In October 2003,ShenzhouV flew into space with杨利伟.He was China’s first man in space. He spent about 21 hours in space.( 播放杨利伟. 神舟七号宇航员资料课件) And 瞿志刚、刘伯明、景海鹏are pilots, too. We are very proud of them. They are all great people .We will always remember them.
T: Who is she?She is wearing white. She can help people. She likes helping people. What’s her job?
Ss: She is a nurse.
T: What can she do?
Ss: She can help people. She likes helping people.
T: Yes. She can help people and take care of people in hospital, she can make people strong and healthy.
T: What about this picture? Is she a nurse?
S3: No, she is an airhostess.提醒学生注意要用an airhostess.
T: What can an airhostess do?
S3: An airhostess can help people. She can make the trip nice and happy.
T: Now look at this funny picture. What does he do?
Ss: He is a cook.
T:  Yes, He is a funny cook.告诉学生oo发短音。What can you think of when we read the word?
让学生小结有共同发音的单词:good、look、 book 、foot
T: That’s right! They have the same sound.
11.Look and say:
T: OK, my children. We have learned so many words about jobs. Let’s read them together. Now, please tell me: What do you want to be?
T: If you want to know sb what he wants to be, you can ask like this “Do you want to be a(an)…?” Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
操练句型: Do you want to be… ?
     Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
师生对话示范 T: What do you want to be? Do you want to be a teacher, girl?
S4: Yes.
T: What subject do you want to teach? Chinese /English/PE/Math?
S4: English
T: Thank you. I’m sure you’ll be a very nice teacher.
T: Please open your book and read the text with your neighbors. Then find out the words and phrases you don’t understand and discuss them in your group. You can learn from each other.
T: Please open your book and read the text
(1)Listen to the dialogue.
(2)Read the dialogue.
(3)Think about the questions and try to answer:
1. Who is the beautiful woman?
2. What does she do?
3. Does Chen ling want to be a singer? Why?
1.T: There are many different jobs ,such as taxi-driver /artist / fireman/ scientist…and so on. Do you know the words of other jobs ? Let’s have a look.
例:teach教书、授课 -------(teacher )则是教师授课的人
clean弄干净 ———— (          )清洁工人
look观看  ————— (         )观看者
play游玩/运动 ———— (            )游玩者/运动员
read阅读 ———— (              )读者/读物
speak演讲 ———— (             )演讲者
drive 驾驶———— (             ) 驾驶员、司机
例:(act行动、动作)--------(   actor     )男演员
visit(参观、旅行)————(       )参观者、旅行者
collect(收藏)——————(       )收藏家
sail(航行) ———— (         )演员、水手
conduct(指挥) ———— (         )指挥家
invent(发明) --------- (         )发明家
例:police(警方) ———— (  policeman  ) (男)警察
fish (鱼) ———— (        ) 渔夫
post (邮政) ———— (        ) 邮递员
milk (牛奶) ———— (        ) 送奶工
2.Look at the screen.学生看图片,回答问题(师通过PPT依次呈现以下内容、人物、图像配合文字说明)
南丁格尔:She is_______________(名字).   She is_______________(职业)
钟南山:  He is _________________          He is _______________
杨振宁:   He is______________              He is a _______________
He is also a Doctor.
爱因斯但: He is______________        He is a__________________
姚明:  He is_______________           He is a__________________
千手观音: They are _____________    They are___________________
(1) 在“杨振宁”这一图片中,相关文字增加了He is also a Doctor.这是想让学生理解doctor医生,Doctor博士.
(2) 对于千手观音,我不强求学生用英语说,允许他们用汉语表达,同时渗透了复数句子的构成方式,为今后的教学做了铺垫。
Step5 Summary
1. 利用板书内容,师小结本课相关内容
2 T:请学生用句型I want to be a……将自己的理想写下来,投入魔力盒中
I’m going to be a _________
Well done! My children, you are all great today. You have many dreams, I know. But how can you make your dreams come true? What can you do for your dreams? Please do remember: Where there is a will, there is a way. Please enjoy your job and your life every day!
1. 听、读课文Lesson 14
2. 抄写单词,完成活动手册Lesson 14
3. 收集、自学其他表示职业的英语单词
4. 制作一张20年后自己的名片(3、4两题全做,也可任选一题)
1. 教学设计层层递进,符合学生的认知规律。一堂好课应如同一条线,能充分体现由浅入深,循序渐进的思想。本课中,我结合学生的英语基础和认知能力,认真分析教材,合理选取、安排本课的教学内容,确立恰当的教学目标,并据此设计了一条层层递进,逐步深入的学习活动任务链。热身感知——直观呈现——机械操练——意义练习——拓展延伸,从而使学生在体验成功,获得自信的同时,能力也得到充分发展。
2. 动口、动手、动脑,让学生聪明地学
(1) 在复习与导入环节,我设计了Talk show活动,有效复习并引出teacher
(2) 在单词的巩固与操练环节,我设计了写一写,拼一拼的活动,使枯燥单调的单词记忆过程变得新奇而有趣。
(3) 在拓展环节,我为学生提供了3组表示职业的单词词尾变化规律的范围(词尾er/or/man等),并设计若干练习,让学生仔细观察,从而得出这一类单词的构成规律,达到举一反三的目的。
3. 与实际生活紧密结合,让学生灵活地学。
(1) 在新授环节,我选的几张单词图片都是学生熟悉的人物。
(2) 在仿照例子和练习说话这一环节,我为学生提供的素材是学生喜爱的一些名人的基本信息,这样学生在学完语言之后就能描述身边的人的职业。
1. 遵循语言教学规律,让学生科学地学。
(1) 创设情景, 前后呼应
上课伊始,我就用歌曲Bingo热身。在课堂句型操练时再度使用Bingo呼应小组获胜,最后让学生用句型“I want to be a……”将自己的理想写下来,投入Magic Box中,并许愿将来这个梦想会实现。
(2) 从单词到句子再到课文,循序渐进
(3) 注重语言教学的细节
2. 注重情感体验,让学生积极地学


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