
标题: 2012版中学英语说课稿优秀模板汇总(100篇) [打印本页]

作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:00
标题: 2012版中学英语说课稿优秀模板汇总(100篇)




作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:02
初中英语说课稿模板:Im watching TV
  今天我说课的内容是义务教育课程标准实验教科书七年级英语下册Unit 5 I’m watching TV,下面我将从教学目标,教学重难点,教学工具,教学过程和教学反思五方面进行简要说明。
  Clean, on, read, apartment
  watching TV, eating dinner, cleaning, shopping, reading, doing homework, talking on the phone
  2)语法 现在进行时(Present progressive tense)
  What are you doing? I’m watching TV.
  What’s he doing? He’s doing his homework.
  What are they doing? They’re cleaning the room.
  2. 能力目标:学会用英语谈论人们正在做什么
  (To freely talk about or learn about what they are doing)
  3. 文化目标:培养用英语获取信息,与人合作的能力。激发他们学习英语的兴趣和热情,在接近生活常态的交际中乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与。
  To grasp the structure of present continuous tense : What are you doing ? I’m watching TV. What’s she/he doing ? She/he’s ……
  ①现在进行时中现在分词的结构。(The structure of the verb adding “ing”)
  ②能在交际中准确地运用现在进行时来描述或表达正在进行的动作。(Using this tense to describe and communicate)
  Step 1 leading-in(听音乐创设情境)
  1. Greetings.(为了沟通师生关系,进行相互问候)
  3. 本节课学习目标展示。
  Step 2 结合教材,展示图片学生完成1a,各组依次说出答案。
  Step 3 Practice
  1. Show some pictures and let the students ask and answer (各组轮流进行).
  e.g What are you doing ? I am reading.etc.
  2. Get some pairs to practise in class.
  Step 4 Presentation
  (1) 出示图片,教师问:“What is he/she doing?”并帮助学生回答“He/She is…….
  A: What is he/she doing?
  B: He/She is……. (ect.)
  Step 5 Game
  1. 猜动作Show a picture and get the students to guess what he is doing.
  2. 接着教师叫一些学生面向全班同学来做一些动作,让其他学生来猜他或她正在干什么。直到猜对为止。
  Step6 Listening (目标听和精听结合)
  1.say:There are many people living in the apartment. Do you know “what they are doing?”. Please listen to the tape and find out “What is Jenny doing? What are Dave and Mary doing? What is John doing?”
  2.Check the answers in class like this:
  A: What is Jenny doing? B: He is watching TV.
  A: What are Dave and Mary doing? B: They are eating dinner.
  A: What is John doing? B: He is doing homework.
  Step 7
  “how to add –ing to verbs”in class. And do some exercises.
  Step9 Homework:
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:02
初中英语说课稿模板:Where is your post office
  .Names of places:post office、library、hotel、restaurant、bank、supermarket、 street、pay phone、park、house、garden、market.
  .Description adjectives:clean、dirty、new、old、quiet、busy.
  .介词短语:next to、in front of、between、behind、across from.
  .其它:take a walk、have fun.
  .掌握there be句型。
  .掌握指路时所常用的祈使句,包括go straight、turn left/right、take the ...turning.
  .掌握问路常用语:Excuse me.Is there...?/Where is...?
  .了解问路的其它用语:Excuse me.Which is the way to...?/Can you tell me the way to...?
  .句型:there be句型
  第一课时: Section A 1a-1c
  第二课时: Section A 2a-2c
  第三课时: Section A 3a-4
  第四课时: Section B 1a-2c
  第五课时: section B 3a-3b
  1. 教学策略
  2. 学习策略
  1. 知识目标:
  .学会方位介词next to、in front of、between…and、across、behind
  .学会形容词new、old、busy、quiet、clean 、dirty、big、small
  2. 语言技能
  .能围绕“问路与指路”的交际用语进行交际。 *能用一些形容词准确地描述和表达自己的观点。
  The first period(Section A 1a-1c)
  Ask students “Where does he/she live?” “Where do I live?”,give students the answer“I live in this neighborhood”(show Ss the picture on the screen).
  •Direct Ss’attention to the picture on the screen and ask Ss “What’s this?”,present the names of the places on the board.
  •Give plenty of opportunity for both choral and individual repetition of the new words.
  •Refer to 1a and 1b in Section A on p7.
  Target language-Teach
  •Have Ss look at the picture on the screen again and ask“Is/Are there ...?”,present Ss the answers “Yes,there is/are.” “No,there isn’t /aren’t.”.
  •On the board,write the models.
  •Have Ss look at the picture and the example question and answer together,have them take turns practicing asking and answering questions.
  •Invite volunteers to role-play their dialogs.
  Make a survey
  •Organize Ss into groups,have them make a survey by asking others in the group questions
  Yes/no where
  post office
  pay phone
  •Draw one of the places with color pens.
  •Complete the conversations according to the illustration in 1a.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:02
初中英语说课稿模板:My favorite subject is science
  一、 单元教材分析:
  本单元是人民教育出版社义务教育课程标准实验教科书七年级上册第十二单元,也是这册书最后一个单元。本单元主要学习一周中星期一到星期天的表达方式;掌握学科的表达;学习使用favorite 来谈论和表达自己的爱好,并用because和表示品质的形容词陈述理由;学习what,why,who、when引导的特殊疑问句。巩固时间表达法。本单元的话题是:“谈论自己所喜欢的学科及喜欢的其它东西,并给出理由。”
  subject science P.E. biology because description word teacher Mrs city Tuesday Thursday Wednesday Friday Monday busy strict Miss
  What’s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is math.
  What’s his/her favorite subject? His / her favorite subject is art.
  Why do you like math? Because it’s interesting.
  Why does he / she like art? Because it’s fun / exciting.
  三、 教学重难点:
  四、 课时安排:
  本单元分三课时完成:Section A:一课时
  Section B:一课时
  1、教师先让学生思考:“What subjects do you learn now ?”从而引导学生对所学课程进行归纳总结。
  作业“My favorite…”(旨在提高学生写作能力) 
  板书:Unit 12 My favorite subject is science
  What’s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is math.
  What’s his/her favorite subject? His / her favorite subject is art.
  Why do you like math? Because it’s interesting.
  Why does he / she like art? Because it’s fun / exciting.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:02
初中英语说课稿模板:Do you Want to go to movie
  1、 知识与能力:本节课的主要内容是学会运用连词and和but谈论喜好.
  2、 过程与方法:采用Discussing和Concluding的教学策略;利用课件来展开课堂教学,Pairwork问答的口语交际活动和小组活动,进行询问和谈论喜好的课堂教学和练习。
  3、 情感态度价值观:本节课是通过“介绍电影”来学习“谈论喜好”,学习内容是学生非常感兴趣的话题,贴近学生的生活。通过互相介绍自己的喜好和偏爱,可以增进同学之间的了解和友情,并帮助学生找到彼此的共同点,加深沟通。
  第一教学环节:情景创设,导入新课。本节课的主要日容是谈论喜好,再导入新课时开采用播放课件复习电影种类:action movie , thriller, comedy ,documentary ,Beijing Opera.并询问:Do you want to go to a movie? What kind of movies do you like?
  1、通过复习What kind of movies do you like ? I like…..等句型引导学生阅读3a 部分的句子,然后选择适当地连词and和but填空,练习I like…and I like….she likes….but she doesn’t like……等谈论喜好的目标举行完成3a部分的教学任务。
  2、引导学生展开Pairwork活动,完成3b部分口语交际教学任务。让学生根据部分的图画和文字说明,依次谈论人物的喜好,复习巩固所学的I like……and I like….she likes….but she doesn’t like……等目标语言。
  三、第三教学环节:合作交流,巩固提高。一到学生进行游戏活动,让学生互相询问和谈论喜好。通过只能种方式,练习运用所学目标语言What kind of movies do you like ? I like…..Do you like……? Yes , I do . No ,I don’t 完成第4部分的教学任务。
  Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?
  I like thrillers and I like action movies.
  I like comedies but I don’t like documentaries .
  Maria likes thrillers but she doesn’t like comedies .
  1、 __ she want to go to a movie?
  A. Do B. Is C. Dose D. Are
  2. __ kind of movies do you like ?
  A.What B. What’s C. How D. Which
  3.I like thrillers, ___I don’t like documentaries.
  4. She likes English ___she likes math.
  5. My father likes comedies, ____ he doesn’t like action movies.
  A. and B. so C. or D. but
  6. Helen likes documentaries , Her sister doesn’t .Helen____ _____ _____ her sister ______ ______ _______.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:03
初中英语说课稿模板:When is your birthday
  一 教材分析
  本单元旨在创造一个轻松、愉快的学习、交流环境,通过听、说、读、写来培养学生综合运用所学知识的能力。并让学生能在“做中学”(learning by doing),通过有限的课堂实践活动,使学生能根据实际情景做出正确的反应,能准确表达。
  本单元是人教版新目标英语七年级( 上 )第八单元。主要围绕“When is your birthday?”这一主题展开各种教学活动,这是本单元的重点部分,也是核心教学,主要学习日期的表达。它上承Unit 7 的数字教学,包含了相关日期的英语教学,并为以后的日期的运用打下基础。因此本单元是前后知识的载体,在本单元以及今后的英语学习中都占重要的地位。
  通过本单元的学习让学生掌握所学目标语言;学会日期 ( 年、月、日 ) 的表达法;在互动的交流中理解生日更多的含义并学会谈论自己、同学以及父母家人的生日:学会自己安排作息时间。
  Section A 的主要学习目标是学习日期的询问与表达;通过谈论自己、同学以及父母家人的生日,理解生日更多的含义。情感态度价值观 Section A 的学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的话题是生日。通过互相询问生日的日期,可以增进同学之间的了解和友情并学会在英语交流中注意他人的情感。
  ① 词汇:掌握 January-December的表达; 序数词1st-31st .
  ② 日常交际用语、: When is your birthday?My birthday is ….
  ③ 语法:日期表达法
  (2) 能力目标:
  在一系列的听说读写活动中,训练学生的逻辑思维,快速反应能力和实践能力,使学生能熟练应用:When is your birthday? 句型及其回答。
  本单元的主题是询问和谈论日期,围绕这一主题进行一系列的交际活动,使学生掌握日期的表达法,正确使用 when 引导的特殊疑问句对日期进行询问。在学习日期的表达法时要先学习序数词的构成,学生在以前的课程里已经学习了基数词,对于两种数词之间的区别一定会令学生感到头痛,教师要引导学生运用对比的方法,找出构成规律,总结特殊变化,对比强化记忆。
  本单元的教学法建议:语音教学——让学生进行模仿操练;词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义.并学会运用;口语教学——采取 pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取图文配对和对话选择的方式;写作教学——以填表、造句为主;语法教学——总结规律、抓住特征、模仿操练。
  Section A
  利用教学图片、幻灯片、实物 ( 大挂历 ) 或制作课件 ( 反映月份特征 ) 等来展开课堂教学、 Pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏,进行“询问和谈论日期”的课堂教学和练习。 。
  Section A 的主要内容是学习日期的询问与应答,在导入新课时,可采用视听法和归纳总结法。
  1. 教师可在黑板上挂一幅自制的能反映出各个月份的大挂历,一边指着每个月份一边介绍或播放课件,让学生 边看边听介绍: This is January . This is February. …,带领学生多读几遍;然后播放 1a 部分的录音 , 让学生进行模仿。
  2 . ( 学生基本掌握月份单词的读音后 ) 教师可以指着挂历说: My birthday is on May
  3. When is your birthday? 从而引出本单元的重点目标语言“日期的询问和表达”。
  4.一边仔细观看黑板上能反映出各个月份的大挂历,一边听老师的介绍或一边观看课件,一边听介绍: This is January . This is February .…,跟着老师读几遍;然后听 1a 部分的录音,进行模仿。
  5.一边观看挂历,一边认真听老师的陈述,然后回答: My birthday is …,开始学习目标语言“日期的询问和表达”。
  教师活动 学生活动
  1 .播放 lb 部分的录音让学生听,引导学生根据所听到的内容,选出对话的顺序,完成 lb 部分的教学任务。
  2 .再播放 lb 部分的录音让学生听,引导学生展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 lc 部分口语交际的教学任务,学会运用 when 引导的特殊疑问句询问日期和谈论日期。
  3 .出示单词图片或幻灯片,并播放 2a 部分的录音让学生听,引导学生跟读、模仿,完成 2a 部分的教学任务。
  4 .播放 2b 部分的录音,引导学生圈出所听到的数字,完成 2b 部分中的听力训练任务。
  5 .再播放 2b 部分的录音,引导学生填写表格,将姓名、月份和日期对应起来,完成 2c 部分的教学任务。
  6 .引导学生展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 2d 部分口语交际的教学任务。让学生先阅读对话,再进行问答练习,运用 When is your / his / her birthday? My / His / Her birthday is … What year were you
  1 .听 1b 部分的录音,根据所听到的内容,选出对话的顺序,完成 1b 部分的学习任务。
  2 .再听 lb 部分的录音,展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 1c 部分口语交际的学习任务,学会运用 when 引导的特殊疑问句询问日期和谈论日期。
  3 .一边观看单词图片或幻灯片,一边听 2a 部分的录音并跟读、模仿,完成 2a 部分的学习任务。
  4 .听 2b 部分的录音,根据所听到的内容圈出所听到的数字,完成 2b 部分中的听力训练任务。
  5 .再听 2b 部分的录音,根据所听内容填写表格,将姓名、月份和日期对应起来,完成 2c 部分的学习任务。
  6 .展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 2d 部分口语交际的教学任务。先阅读对话,再进行问答练习,运用 When is your / his / her birthday? My / His / Her birthday is … What year were you born? 1 was born in …等目标语言,完成 2d 部分的教学任务。
  7 .引导学生展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 3a 部分口语交际的教学任务。让学生任选一个身份证进行对话练习,运用 When is your birthday? My birthday is
  … How old are you? I ' m fifteen .等目标语言,完成 3a 部分的教学任务。
  8 .引导学生展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 3b 部分口语交际的教学任务。要求学生用自己的姓名、年龄和出生日期进行对话练习,学会运用所学目标句型,完成 3b 部分的教学任务。 born? I Was born in …等目标语言,完成 2d 部分的学习任务。
  7 .展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 3a 部分口语交际的教学任务。任选一个身份证进行对话练习,运用 When is your birthday? My birthday is … How old are you? I ' m fifteen .等目标语言,完成 3a 部分的学习任务。
  8 .展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 3b 部分口语交际的教学任务。用自己的姓名、年龄和出生日期进行对话练习,学会运用所学目标句型,完成 3b 部分的学习任务。
  教师活动 学生活动
  引导学生进行 Brithday Game 游戏活动,让学生互相询问生日,然后按照年龄的大小排列顺序。通过这种方式,练习运用所学目标语言,完成第 4 部分的教学任务。 Birthday Game 游戏活动,互相询问生日,然后按照年龄的大小排列顺序。通过这种方式,练习运用所学目标语言,完成第 4 部分的教学任务。
  本课采用了 Classifying , Contrasting 和 Role—playing 的学习策略,利用教学图片、幻灯片、实物 ( 大挂历 ) 或制作课件 ( 反映月份特征 ) 等来展开课堂教学、 Pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏活动,学习日期的询问与表达,并通过询问和谈论自己、同学以及父母家人的生日理解生日更多的含义、增进同学之间的了解。
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:03
初中英语说课稿模板:How much are these pants
Hello! My name is Rao Shengliang. I’m from Dengfang Middle School. Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. The topic of this unit is “How much are these pants?” students learn to ask about prices, talk about clothing, and thank someone.
  First , I will talk about my understanding of this unit. This Unit is talking about shopping. Many students are interested in shopping, but they knowlittle about shopping. This lesson is the first period of Unit 7, It’s very important.
  Teaching aims:
  1. Knowledge aims: the vocabularies of the clothes, describe clothes, using how much to ask and talk about the prices of the clothes.
  2. Ability aims: training the ability of talking about the clothes and the prices. To develop students’ ability of communication with other people in English.
  3. Emotional aims: To encourage students to be brave to speak English. Training the competition and cooperation. Build up the correct opinion.
  4. Strategy aims: pre-reading, listening, writing and speaking
  5. Culture aims: The difference between dollars and RMB.
  Teaching important points:
  New language:
  How much are these socks? They are two dollars.
  How much is the blue T-shirt? It is ten dollars.
  Items of clothing, colors (black, white, green, red, blue ) numbers10-31.
  Second , I will talk about my teaching theories, methods and tools.While dealing with this lesson, I will do my best to carry out the following opinion: Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as a director; Combine the language structures with the language functions; students will receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.
  Teaching methods:
  Double activities teaching method
  Free discussion method
  Pair work or individual work method(Learning by using, learning for using.)
  Task-Based Language teaching
  Teaching tools:
  1. a projector
  2. a tape recorder
  3. the blackboard
  4. some clothes
  Third , I will talk about my teaching steps. Now let me introduce my teaching procedure briefly. As we all know, “Well begun is half done.” A good beginning will not only warm the class up at once, but also give good preparation for presentation. As language is learnt gradually but not immediately, we will do some revision to strengthen students’ memory. As a memory activator, I’ll try to find out the link between the old and the new. We can lead students by things such as songs, games, competitions, simple pictures or other media. In this lesson, I’ll provide an English song.
  Step 1 Warming up
  Listen to an English song. Let the students do the action while they are listening.(I’m sure children will love this song and get interested in class.)
  Step 2 Presentation
  a. After listening to the song, Show different colors, things. Let students guess. What’s this? It’s a backpack. What color is it? It’s red.(After warming, the students are excited , at the same time, they have learned the names of fruits, and they also know colors, so we can show pictures ,and students can guess, everyone should be active.)
  b. T: I like fruits and I like shopping, so I have many nice clothes. Using the CAI, teach T-shirt, sweater, skirt, bag, socks, shorts, pants and so on. We can also teach small/big, long / short.
  e.g. This is a red T-shirt. These are black pants.(And we use pictures to teach T-shirt, sweater, hat and so on, we can also teach small/big, long/short)
  Step3Memory games
  With the help of CAI , students will guess what’s this ? What color is it? Revise the items of the clothes.(in this step, in order to train the ability of students’memory)
  Step4 Presentation
  Show a new T-shirt, students see its label. Ask how much is the T-shirt?1 dollar=7.5 yuan
  Talk about students’own prices of the clothes.(in this step, students may know the relation of the dollars and RMB)
  Step5 Presentation
  Using the language structure , students will take an active part in the game, and master the important sentences :
  How much are these socks/shorts/pants/shoes?
  They’re ten dollars.
  Step6 Listen to the conversation, fill in the price tags.
  This activity provides practice in listening for prices.
  Tell the students that all the items in each group are the same price. They are going to listen to the six conversations and write down the prices on the price tags.
  This step will train the ability of the students’ listening
  Step7 Task :Make a survey
  We divide the class into many groups .Each group write down their friends’information .Then report.
  This activity can improve the ability of communication.
  Step8 Homework
  In order to extend students’ability of using English, it’s necessary to give students good and proper homework.
  1. copy new words
  2.Make a list for own clothes, then write down in your exercises book. Introduce your clothes.
  3.searching information
  Give students some websites. Students will find some more information about clothes on the Internet. Then talk about in pairs.(Students can accord to their ability to choose the exercises as their homework, because the students are different.)
  At last , let’s have a look at the blackboard design.
  The following is the blackboard design of this lesson, we’ll have a look at it on the blackboard.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:03
初中英语说课稿模板:Do you like bananas
尊敬的各位评委、老师大家好!我说课的课题是新目标英语七年级上册第6单元Do you like bananas的section A部分。
  我先说说教学内容:Do you like bananas?一课主要是学习各种食品的表达及分类,以及如何用英语询问或陈述likes and dislikes(即各人的喜好)。因此,使学生学会apple,banana,hamburger等词汇并掌握句型:Do you like bananas ? Yes , I do . / No , I don’t .是这节课的教学重点。而如何引导学生询问或陈述对食物的喜好以及为学生创造学以致用的平台,合理运用目标句型进行不同人称之间的交流是这节课教学的难点。为了不仅要完成正常的教学任务,还要有效地培养学生的创新精神和实际操作的能力,并适时地对学生进行德育教育,我确定了如下的教学目标: 1、知识与技能:能认读食物类词汇并能正确使用本节课的基本句型;能够利用老师提供的学习网站进行自我学习;能灵活地运用所学的知识解决实际生活中遇到的问题即达到用英语进行交流,询问喜好的目的。2、过程与方法: 运用Communicative teaching method交际教学法和Task-based teaching method任务型教学法使学生通过参与、合作、探究、调查、采访、游戏等多种途径学习词汇和句子的表达。3、情感态度与价值观:鼓励学生勇敢地使用英语,争做小记者。教育学生,理解父母,关心父母,感恩父母。帮助学生树立关心他人,帮助他人的优良品质。
  首先,利用几张事先准备好的有关球类的图片复习句型Do you have a football ? Yes , I do . No, I don’t.
  其次,导入。我告诉学生,如果大家表现出色,周未我想带领大家去野餐,然后,我提问如果去野餐,what do you like? Do you like bananas?从而导入新课。这个部分的教学由教师播放动画音乐Let’s have a picnic today让学生跟随欢快的节奏感受野餐的乐趣。
  既然我们去野餐就要有足够的食物,现在大家一起来列个清单吧。我利用农远资源网上的Flash课件,将食品类单词直观地呈现给学生们,引导学生听、读新单词区分食物单、复数并练习Do you like…?句型。此外,我还给学生准备了food bag,利用实物适时地与学生交流并感知句型。这,比起教师空洞地讲解,翻译要生动形象得多。紧接着再链接到Flash课件进行一组oral practice谈论自己喜爱的食物,然后是听力练习和pairwork : find out what Bill and Bob like and don’t like,学生通过自己动手完成任务就会在不自不觉中将单词及食品联系到一起,既在学中玩,又在玩中学。然后再过渡到课本内容,引导学生完成课本中的练习。Match the words with the pictures。在有效地识记了单词后,我们又要再一次来感知一下目标用语How to ask for the likes and dislikes?再一次带领学生们观看Flash动画课件。然后与学生分享我喜欢的和不喜欢的,I like … and I don’t like…与学生交流,了解他们的喜好,从而再次使用目标用语:Do you like …? Does he like …?
  在合作学习的第一部分,我利用多媒体将一个表格展示给学生,引导学生根据表格的内容自编对话,即用到了句型Does he like …?将第一人称转换为第三人称,学习谈论他人的喜好并用一句话来陈述表格内容。如Bob likes bananas ,but he doesn’t like apples . 在合作学习的第二部分,我鼓励学生们勇敢地使用英语,争做小记者,通过合作学习,做调查采访,并且我利用Flash动画课件教学生们如何作好采访工作和汇报总结,充分发挥学生的参与意识与合作意识。然后,带领学生听我们的伙伴Lisa谈论她的家庭成员的喜好,我将问学生们是否也像Lisa一样关心了解自己的父母,父母关心爱护我们,我们是否应该予以回报,所以我布置了第一个作业:用今天所学的知识,询问父母对食物的喜好,如果可以的话,为我们的父母准备一些他们喜爱的食物。
  最后,我告诉学生们,他们表现得棒极了,周末,我将带领他们去野餐,为了培养学生们的合作意识,帮助学生们树立关心他人的意识,学会与人分享,我让他们集体准备一些大家喜爱的食品,但是don’t forget to ask your friends ,do a survey first!不要忘了先问问你们的朋友,事先作一个调查!为了培养学生自我学习,自我提高的能力,我引导学生进入湾里二中校园网----农远专栏查找资料并提供部分相关学习网站,让学生通过课外自我学习,获取更多的知识并把课堂上所学的知识和课外自学的知识结合在一起,完成某一项任务,即“找到更多的食品类词汇,找找哪些是健康的食品,哪些是不健康的食品,谈谈如何保持健康”。即How to keep healthy ? 最后,在欢快的卡通歌曲Let’s have a picnic today中结束本课。
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:03
初中英语说课稿模板:Do you have a soccer ball?
  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:
  Nice to meet you here. I'd like to say it's a good chance for me to learn from you .Here, my speech contains 4 parts. I would like to introduce them here with your great help.
  I. The analysis of teaching material:
  My speech is Section A , Unit 5. Do you have a soccer ball This is an important lesson in Book One. And it is the first lesson of this unit, it talks about recognizing objects(mainly about balls) and the simple question. .The students have already known to answer it"Yes" or "No" in Unit 2 ,but in this unit, it's different. We know, simple question is a kind of important structure. If the students can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the students to learn the special question. And it's related to our daily life closely, so it's very useful.
  New words: basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, ping-pong ball, ping-pong bat, tennis, tennis racket.
  Structure: Do you have Does he /she have
  Teaching aims:
  Aims on the knowledge:
  To study the words about balls by showing the pictures.
  To make the students know how to ask whether others have something or not, and how to answer it.
  Aims on the abilities:
  To develop the students' ability of listening ,speaking, reading and writing.
  To train the students' ability of communication.
  Aims on the emotion:
  ⑴.To make the students be interested in good co-operation and competition.
  ⑵To make the students love sports ,love life.
  Teaching key points and difficult points:
  How to make the students understand the new language items naturally.
  How to make the students work well with their partners.
  How to arouse their interest in learning English.
  How to make dialogues and act them out.
  Ⅱ.Teaching methods I will take.
  1."Communicative" teaching method.
  2. "Task-based" teaching method.
  Everyone knows that the main aims of learning English in middle school is to cultivate the students' basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, and their good sense of the English language.
  Ⅲ. Learning methods.
  Firstly, Look, listen, and say to gain language competence.
  Secondly, Teamwork, exploration and participation to reach the goal.
  Thirdly, Cultivate skills in listening, speaking, reading and expressing.
  Fourthly, Students-centered and teacher-guided learning strategies. I'm not a teacher but a guider. I'm ready to give them help whenever they need and re-correct the mistakes while talking.
  Ⅳ.Teaching procedure design.
  Step1. Warm-up.
  Ask the students some easy questions to check if they have remembered the contents they had learned before. For example: What's this Spell it, please. What color is it Is this your pen Is that your backpack and so on.
  Step2. Presentation.
  1. Take out a ping-pong ball and ask the students:What's this Why I take out a ping-pong ball here I think it's the easiest and the most popular in our country.
  2. Leading in new words : here I will play some short plays, they are soccer game,volleyball game, ping-pong competition and an advertisiment, there is a basketball in it.
  The reason of my design: I think the students can learn the words easily and directly in this way. And I also think it can draw the students' attention and arouse their interest in learning English. With the help of the CAI, it can provide a real situation to understand the meaning of the words, not by presenting the new words one by one and telling them the Chinese meaning. So the students can remember the words quickly and naturally.
  How to help the students remember the new word, I think I will do it like this: When the word appears under the picture, there may be some students know the word and they will read it out loudly, this time, you may need to correct the pronunciation and teach it, after one or two times, I will ask the students to spell it by themselves. Why I must ask them to spell it themselves, I think it can make them have a general impression of the word. Usually, when you teach them read, most of the students just follow you, they don't look at the word at all. Perhaps, you have taught ten times and they can read it very well following you , but after you teach some more words and ask them to read it again ,they may not be able to.
  3.Teaching the dialogue:
  Make a sample dialogue with a student. Show him or her the ping-pong ball and do it like this:
  T: I have a ping-pong ball. Do you have a ping-pong ball (Here, you may help him answer "Yes, I do." or "No, I don't.")
  S: Yes, I do.
  Make the dialogue with some more students,and write it on the blackboard. Make sure they can read and understand the meaning. Next, ask a student if he has a ping-pong ball, then ask the others: "Does he have a ping-pong ball "Here, you must help them answer: "Yes, he does." Or "No, he doesn't." Write it on the blackboard. Teach the dialogue and make sure they can read it and understand the meaning.
  4. Practice: Read the dialogue by role play. But you must tell them how to do it clearly, make them to ask their partners what kind of balls they have. This time ,they must use the sentence "Do you have a "
  5. Groupworking and competition: Divide the students into groups of three.Give them an example first :
  A: Do you have a basketball
  B: Yes ,I do.
  A: Does he have a basketball
  C : Yes, he does.
  Ask them to make a similar dialogue and tell them that it' s also a competition, after they act it out you will choose a best group at the end.
  The reason of having a competition: I think it can encourage them to try their best and cooperate with their groupmembers well.
  6. Listening, listen to the tape and circle the words you hear. It's Activity 1a.
  Step3. Post-task. Starting a ball club.
  In this club, there are four teams: a basketball team, a soccer ball team, a ping-pong ball team and a tennis team. I will ask four students to be the captain of each team. They should ask their classmates to be their team members. If he has a basketball,he should join the basketball team.
  The reason I give this task: I think this activity is the consolidation of this lesson. It is helpful to revise and consolidate the contents we learned in this lesson.
  Blackboard design:
  Ping-pong ball /bat Do you have a ping-pong ball
  Soccer ball Yes, I do./No, I don't.
  Volleyball Does he have a soccer ball
  Tennis racket Yes, he does.
  Does she have a volleyball
  No, she doesn't.
  That's my speaking. Thanks for your listening.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:04
初中英语说课稿模板:where’s my back pack?
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:04
初中英语说课稿模板:This is my sister
  今天我说课的内容是人教版七年级上Unit 3 This is my sister. 本单元学习的是与学生生活息息相关的家庭成员。我要谈的是本单元第一课时的教学。下面我将从以下几个方面阐述我的说课内容。
  从教材编排上说本单元是就第二单元认知物体之后学习用英语认知人,而与学生最为熟悉的人就是家庭成员。Is this your eraser? 很自然过度Is this your sister? 以前学的What’s this?转变Who is this?但本单元生词较多。出现在第一课时的就有十五、六个同时还要认识语法现象复数。本课时任务比较艰巨。
  1、知识目标 帮助学生四会掌握以下单词:grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, father, mother, parents, son, daughter, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, friend, these, those。并对复数形式有初步了解。
  2、能力目标 通过本节课学习,学生就家庭成员相互之间应该能用英语介绍、询问、交流。并能用英语在脑子里对个家庭成员的关系进行思考。例如,见到father’s mother,他们能反应出是指grandmother。同时基本上能辨别什么时候用单数什么时候用复数。
  3、情感目标 通过对家庭成员的学习,学生对自己的家庭成员会有更清晰的印象,从而激发起他们对家人的热爱。
  难点:复数的认识和正确运用。汉语表达中完全没有复数概念,这是一本书,这是三本书;除了多了个数字其他没有任何变化。而英语必须这样说This is a book. These are books.所有的单词都相应的发生了变化。因此中国学生在学习复数的时候特别难。我们的语言没有这个习惯!
  课堂的整体设计遵循循环记忆反复操练思路,运用情景法和交际法,分五个主要步骤进行,即:导入呈现, 巩固操练, 拓展,5分钟检测包括小组比赛和布置作业。
  第一、引入呈现。(10′)I want to be your friend. Do you want to know more about me? Do you to know about my family?课件展示
  1、的家人。认知son, father, mother, parents, wife, husband这几个单词,并马上回顾重新呈现我的家人学生说出他们和我的关系。
  5、回顾我的家人,并帮助学生罗列出family tree。
  3、表演对话,在讲台上指着屏幕认识David的家人。(5 ′)
  第五、最后作业布置(2 ′)
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:04
初中英语说课稿模板:Is this yourpencil
  1、教学内容:义务教育课程标准实验教科书《英语》七年级上册第二单元《Is this your pencil》第一课时,P7,P8。
  2、在教材中的地位:本课在教材中不可忽视,起到承上启下的作用。预备单元已学过What’s this in English?及其回答,现在进一步用What’s that in English?及其回答,接着用这个句型介绍出本课中的大量词汇。通过词汇进而学习Is this /that your pencil?及其肯定、否定回答。在这个过程中充分复习并运用my, your, his, her, 等形容词性物主代词。指示代词this, that及这一句型为第三单元及以后学习一般疑问句打下基础。并且这一课时的教材在原来的基础上使学生更明白英语的学习是在相互交流中有趣地进行,听、说、读、写、用就是学习的过程。为学生学习以后的内容打下坚实的心理、方法和知识的基础。
  通过演示及情景教学法,使用句型What’s this /that in English? It’s a book. 使学生掌握重点词汇:pen, pencil, pencil case, pencil sharpener, book, eraser,ruler, backpack, dictionary等,并且学会对物品的所属进行提问、回答,在问答中会熟练运用my, your, his, her等形容词性物主代词,即:Is this/that my/your/his/her pen? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
  a: 通过情景对话、游戏及题目的训练,使学生学会根据场景就学习用品询问物主,并正确运用对应的英语表达方式。
  b: 通过听力及上下文来培养学生基本的逻辑思维能力及听音辨词的基本功。
  a: 教学的过程是老师与学生及学生与学生的交往、互动、共同发展的过程,在参与、表演、运用的过程中,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。
  b: 结合物体学习单词和句型的同时,培养学生的视觉美感。
  c: 通过询问、辨认物主,倡导学生要保管好自己的学习用品。
  a: 重点词汇:pen, pencil, pencil case, pencil sharpener, book, eraser, ruler, backpack, dictionary, that等。
  b: 重点句型:
  What’s this /that in English?
  It’s a pencil. / It’s an eraser.
  Is this/that my/your/his/her pen?
  Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
  难点:进一步运用my, your, his, her等形容词性物主代词,明确this/that 这两个指示代词的用法。
  a: 姓名每个人都很熟悉,每个同学又都会说,所以首先通过问答姓名,让学生在复习中运用my, your, his, her等形容词性物主代词。首先对个别同学进行提问:What’s your English name, please?
  该同学回答:My name’s Gina.
  转而问另一名同学:What’s her English name?
  该同学回答:Her name is Gina.
  然后用同样的方法引出:His name is Tom.
  接着把这些问答进行于教师与小组之间,小组与小组之间,教师与全体同学之间,这样每个同学都敢于开口,都有机会开口,而且能自然地运用my, your, his, her等词了。
  b: 通过几个单元的学习,学生对26个字母是再熟悉不过了。所以复习的第二项就是运用字母卡为新内容作准备,具体是:
  举起一个字母卡放在胸前,问某同学:What’s this in English?
  同学回答:It’s “A”.
  What’s that in English?
  同学回答:It’s “B”.
  然后用举在胸前和举在远处这两个动作继续向个别、小组或全体同学问:“What’s this/that in English?”学生们初步理解了“this”与“that”的区别了。问完之后,顺势向同学们提议为老师唱“ABC Song”,这样不单复习了旧知,还活跃了课堂气氛。
  What’s this / that in English? It’s a book.
  注意用“this”时,把物体举在胸前,用“that”时,物体举在远处或放在远处,背包体积大,干脆挂在墙上,那么用手指着背包使用“What’s that in English?”时,学生们是再明白不过的了。
  用这样的方法一直教授完重点词汇,并注意和不定冠词连用,边教边读 (a) pen, (a) pencil, (a) pencil case, (a) pencil sharpener, (a) book, (a) ruler, (an) eraser, (a) backpack, (a) dictionary。然后把这些单词投影出来,重点教读、练习。
  手拿物品介绍:This is my book.
  然后问同学:Is this my book?
  引导学生回答:Yes, it is.
  手指某个男生接着问:Is this his book?
  引导学生回答:No, it isn’t. It’s your book.
  然后再介绍几个物品:This is his dictionary.
  That is her pencil.
  进行如下问答:Is this my dictionary?
  No, it isn’t . It’s his dictionary.
  Is this his dictionary?
  Yes, it is.
  Is that his pencil?
  No, it isn’t. It’s her pencil.
  Is that her pencil?
  Yes, it is.
  问题:Is this / that your / his / her pen?
  回答:Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
  让学生在愉悦的气氛中以“Good morning to you!”的歌声欢送老师,结束本课。
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:04
初中英语说课稿模板:My name’s Gina说课稿
  1. 如何创设情景让学生将已学的知识转化为能力,改变教师引出问句,学生答,然后由学生问与答。让学生自己“找到”问句。
  2. 让学生学会观察,会做总结。
  这节课主要是讲first name and last name以及中西文化在名字上的差异。习惯的做法是先让学生知道,在西方是名在前,姓在后,然后告诉学生,我们是姓在前,名在后。在老教材中,这一节课是在初二课本。但是我现在面对的初一的学生,按部就班的做,学生会理解吗?这节课我是这样设计的,由学生们自己的名字引出first name 和last name,然后通过观察发现中西文化在名字上的差异。
  Step1. revision
  T: Good morning!
  How are you?
  Spell it, please.
  What’s this in English?
  What color is it?
  Step2. look and learn
  T: Hello! I’m Grace. What’s your name?
  S1: I’m
  T: Nice to meet you!
  S1: Nice to meet you ,too!
  T: What’s his name?
  S1: His name is Jiang Xian.(蒋贤)
  T: 温新西, his last name is Wen. (这时一边说一边将温与新西剪开,更好的区分first name and last name) 孙猛特His first name is Sun. 李双 Her first name is Li.
  多给几个例子,学生就明白last name 的意思。学生自我介绍My last name is -----.
  A: ___________________
  B: My last name is Sun.
  鼓励学生说出问句,what’s your last name?必要时,给予提示。(What’s your name? My name is Sun Mente.让学生发现他们之间的联系))然后操练句型。在学生操练的过程中引出what’s his/her last name?用同样的方法引出first name 和问句what’s your/his/her first name? My/His/Her first name is ---.随逸叫几组(3人以上)学生起来,练习what’s your/his/her last/first name? My/his/her last/first name is ---.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:05
 Lesson 52
  Step 1 Revision
  1 Check the homework.
  2 Revise the dialogue in SB page 51, Part 3.
  3 Revise different verb forms.
  Step 2 Listening
  SB page 52, Part 1. Listening Cassette Lesson 52. Wb Lesson 52, Ex. 1. Read through the questions in Ex. 1 and make sure the Ss understand them. Get the Ss to guess the meaning of any unfamiliar words or phrases. Tell the Ss Mrs Green is getting ready for Christmas. Listen carefully and choose the best answers in your workbook.
  Play the tape through and give the Ss a few moments to choose their answers. Play the tape again, pausing after important information. Let the Ss check their answers in pairs, then with the whole class.
  If there is any argument about the answer, play the tape again.
  Listening text
  Listen to the tape. Mrs Green is talking about getting ready for Christmas. Listen carefully and answer the questions in your workbook.
  Mrs Green: Christmas Day is always on the same day every year - December 25th. Everybody in England enjoys Christmas, but people often forget that getting ready for Christmas is very hard work. There are so many things for us to do.
  The first problem is this: you have to make sure that you have enough to eat and drink. People usually eat a big bird for Christmas dinner - a big chicken, for example, or a big duck. Also, of course, you have to make a big Christmas cake. I usually make the Christmas cake in November. A Christmas cake is full of fruit, with sugar on top. You need many other things for Christmas - nuts, sweets and apples - that kind of thing.
  Father usually buys the Christmas tree. He brings it home, and the children cover it with lights, and put a star on top, so it looks really beautiful. We always have a fire, too. I ask Jim to cut up wood for the fire.
  Everybody gives each other presents for Christmas. We put the presents on the floor under the tree on Christmas Eve, and open them on Christmas Day.
  Nobody must open their presents before Christmas Day!
  The answers are: 1 B, 2 B, 3 B, 4 C, 5 B, 6 C, 7 C, 8 B, 9 A, 10 December 25th.
  Step 3 Speechwork
  Wb Lesson 52, Ex. 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 52. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Isolate and practise the individual sounds.
  Step 4 Practice
  SB page 52, Part 2. Do the first two sentences as an example with the whole class, then let the Ss work in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class, then get the Ss to practise the dialogue.
  Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue. Remind them to look at each other as they speak, not at the book. The suggested answers are: care, given, gave, about, changed, cleaning, often, Once, enough, think.Step 5 Workbook
  Wb Exx. 3 and 4. Do Ex. 3 orally with the whole class. Change the tense of the verbs as necessary. For Ex. 4, let the Ss work on their own first, then check the answers with the whole class. They can find the answers in the unit ( 1 except,2 with, 3 from, 4 without, 5 for )。
  Step 6 Checkpoint 13
  Go through Checkpoint 13 and discuss any problems that arise. Practise the “useful expressions” in the usual way.
  Step 7 Test
  Give the Ss a quiz about Christmas. Books closed! Ask these questions and get the Ss to write down short answers to them:
  1 When is Christmas Day? (December 25th.)
  2 When is Christmas Eve? (December 24th.)
  3 What kinds of bird do people eat for Christmas dinner? ( A big chicken /duck. )
  4 What is a Christmas cake full of? (Fruit. )
  5 What do people put on a Christmas tree? (Lights and a star.)
  6 Where do people put Christmas presents? (On the, floor under the Christmas tree.)
  7 When do people give each other presents? (Before /On Christmas Eve.)
  8 What do people say to each other on Christmas Day? (Merry Christmas!)
  Write down the word merry on the Bb for the Ss. Homework
  Write the answers to Ex. 3 in the exercise book. Revise the contents of this unit.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:05
  Lesson 47
  Step 1 Revision
  1 Check the homework.
  2 Revise the story in Lesson 46. Use the questions in Wb Lesson 46, Ex. 1 to guide the Ss.
  Step 2 Reading
  SB page 47, Part 1. Give the Ss a few moments to read the story (to refresh their memories), then ask some questions, e.g.:
  Why did Ling Feng come to Jim's house?
  What did Jim give Ling Feng?
  What did Ling Feng say to Jim?
  What did Polly say to Jim?
  Discuss any difficulties that arise in the story. Make sure the Ss understand the meaning of You haven't changed your mind, have you?
  Note that arrive is followed by in when it is used with a big city or an even bigger place.
  SB page 47, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 47. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Get the Ss to practise the dialogue parts in groups of three (Ling Feng, Jim and Polly)。 Ask some groups to act it out.
  Step 3 Presentation
  Ask the class some general questions, like these: What time is it? What's the weather like? What date is it today? What day is it? etc. Help them to answer.Ask the Ss What questions did I ask you? Make a list on the Bb.
  Then say Listen carefully. I'm going to ask these questions in a different way. Do you know what time it is? ——Yes, it's … Repeat for all the questions on the Bb: Do you know what the weather is like? Do you know what date it is today? (Answer in the same way each time, using Yes, it's …)
  Now ask the Ss What questions did I ask? Help them to say Do you know what time it is? etc. Point out the word order in the clause what time it is.
  Write the questions on the Bb (with the Ss' help) to compare the two question forms.
  Inform the Ss that they can use Can you tell me what time it is? as well.
  Get the Ss to practise asking and answering these questions in pairs.
  Step 4 Ask and answer
  SB page 47, Part 2. Read through the information in the box with the Ss: see if they can guess the meaning of Flight No. (Number )。 Use Chinese if necessary. Get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs, then check the answers with the whole class.
  CA = China Airline
  BA = British Airways
  Step 5 Practice
  SB page 47, Part 3. Do the first dialogue with the whole class. Practise it with individual Ss. Then let the Ss prepare the other dialogues in pairs and practise acting them out.
  See if any pairs can do the dialogues without using their books!
  Step 6 Workbook
  Wb Lesson 47, Exx. 1 and 2.
  Do Ex. 1 orally with the whole class: Make sure the Ss give correct answers. Get Ss on one side the classroom to ask Ss on the other side a question. You can monitor the dialogue to make sure the question and answer are correct.
  The dialogue in Ex. 2 can be practised in pairs. Get some pairs to act it out. See if any pairs can make up a new dialogue based on this model.
  Ex. 3 is optional. If time permits, get the Ss to ask and answer the questions in pairs.
  The suggested answers:
  1 Could you tell me which plane I should take to go to (Moscow)? You should take (CA 907)。
  2 Could you tell me what time the plane leaves? It leaves at (0745)。 (0745 means seven forty- five in the morning.)3 Do you know what time the plane arrives in (Moscow)? It arrives at (1130)。 (1130 means half past eleven in the morning)。
  4 Do you know where I'll have to stop on the way? I don't think you'll stop on the way.
  Make up dialogues using the questions in
  Wb Ex. 1. Write the dialogues in the exercise books. Revise the contents of the unit for a test in the next lesson.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:05
  Lesson 43
  Step 1 Revision
  Revise the story in Lesson 42, using the questions in Wb Lesson 42, Ex. 2 to help you.
  Step 2 Reading
  SB page 43, Part 1. Discuss the picture: What can you see? Teach the word mirror.
  Then let the Ss read the passage to find out the answer to the question at the top of the page. (Why did Thomas put a mirror and some lights on the table?)  Ask a student to draw a diagram on the Bb showing what Edison did.
  Go through the passage and discuss any problems. Note that lights is plural because we are talking about a collection of individual lights. See if the Ss can guess the meaning of any new words.
  Point out the word formation: operate,
  operation(v.→n.); clear, clearly(adj.→adv.)。
  Explain send for and was saved.
  Step 3 Reading aloud
  SB page 43, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 43. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat.
  Step 4 Workbook
  Wb Lesson 43, Ex. 1. Do the first two sentences orally with the Ss(ideas)。 Show them where and how to find the answers.
  Then let the Ss work alone or in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class.
  The answers to Ex. 1 are: ideas; sent for; at once; light; bad; an idea; all the; put them; behind; see clearly; operated.
  Step 5 Presentation
  Talk about a famous singer. Say I think…is a good singer. Don't you think he's/she's a good singer? Help the Ss to answer Yes, I do or No, I don't. Talk about other singers and actors in the same way. Tell the Ss that we use Don't you think…? when we want someone to agree with us.
  Get Ss to make up dialogues in the same way.
  Step 6 Listen and read
  SB page 43, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 43. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Then get them to practise the dialogue in pairs. See if the Ss can do it  without looking at their books!
  Point out the use of the infinitive form as a way of asking someone to do something. Take Ask/ Tell him to turn it down as an example. Tell the Ss that to turn is an infinitive and to turn it down an infinitive phrase used as the Object(him) Complement.
  Step 7 Practice
  SB page 43, Part 3. Go through the words and expressions in the boxes and make sure the Ss understand what the phrases mean. Do one or two dialogues with individual Ss as an example, then let the Ss practise in pairs.
  Step 8  Workbook
  Wb Ex. 2. This exercise gives the Ss more practice. They have to match the phrase in the first box with a suitable reply in the second box. Let them work in pairs, then check the answers with the whole class. The answers to Ex. 2 are: 1 B: Tell him to run more slowly. 2 B: Tell her to keep quiet.
  3 B: Ask him to turn it down. 4 B: Ask her to drive faster. 5 B: Tell him to drink less 6 B: Tell him to eat less. 7 B: Tell her to take off her coat.
  Revise the contents of the unit.
  Ask the Ss to write down the answers to Ex. 2 in their exercise books. (At least 4 or 5 dialogues. )
  Ex. 3 is optional.
  Prepare the passage on SB page 43, Part 1 for a dictation test in the next lesson.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:05
  Lesson 38
  Step 1 Revision
  1 Revise making simple telephone calls.
  2 Check the homework.
  Step 2 Presentation
  Ask the Ss about the telephone dialogue in Lesson 37, e. g. Did Mr Green ring up the headmaster yesterday? What did he want to talk about?
  SB page 38. Discuss the picture. What can you see? Mr Green and Mr Zhang. What's happening? They are talking. Mr Green is going to tell Mr Zhang about Jim's study.
  Present some of the new words by talking about Jim's work like this: Jim works hard. He goes to school early and listens carefully in class. He does his homework well. He is not lazy. He does very well in the exams. He often gets over 90 in English. But his Chinese is not as good as his English. He is weak in Chinese. He often gets 60 or 65 in the Chinese exams. Write down lazy, over 90, weak, exam on the Bb. Get the Ss to guess their meaning.
  Step 3 Reading
  Let the Ss scan the passage to find the answers at the top of the page. Check the answers.
  Then let the Ss read the passage more carefully. Ask them questions about the passage: you can use the questions in Wb Lesson 38, Ex. 1 to help you, but don't let the Ss look at these questions yet.
  See if the Ss can guess the meaning of capital, miss and in trouble from the context. Discuss any language problems that occur.
  I hope! is used by itself at the end of the sentence for emphasis.
  Except Chinese = He'll do well in all the exams except Chinese. Mr Green thinks Jim will get low mark in the Chinese exam.
  Is he? is an expression of surprise.
  The whole family's going for two months. The Present Continuous Tense can be used to talk about future plans. Notice that family is singular.
  Step 4 Reading aloud
  SB page 38. Speech Cassette Lesson 38. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Then they can practise the dialogue in pairs.
  Step 5 Workbook
  Do Wb Ex. 1 orally in pairs. Then ask the Ss to write down their answers in their exercise books. Check the answers with the whole class.
  Some of the answers are: 1 Yes, but he is a little weak in his Chinese. 2 The headmaster thinks that Jim works hard and will do very well in the exams. 3 Yes, I think he does. 4 No, he isn't.
  10 Mr Green can't help Jim with his Chinese. He is worried about his Chinese because Jim may fall behind the other students.
  Step 6 Acting
  If time allows. ask two Ss to act out the dialogue. Get them to use gestures, e. g. Come in, please. Please sit down, etc. and facial expressions.
  Step 7 Workbook
  Do Wb Exx. 2 and 3. The answers to Ex. 2 are: 1 d, 2 b, 3 c, 4 a, 5 e, 6 f.
  The answers to Ex. 3 are: lazy, weak, missed, fell behind, except, exam.
  Finish off the Workbook exercises.
  Read the end of the dialogue on SB page 39, Part 1.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:05
  Lesson 38
  Step 1 Revision
  1 Revise making simple telephone calls.
  2 Check the homework.
  Step 2 Presentation
  Ask the Ss about the telephone dialogue in Lesson 37, e. g. Did Mr Green ring up the headmaster yesterday? What did he want to talk about?
  SB page 38. Discuss the picture. What can you see? Mr Green and Mr Zhang. What's happening? They are talking. Mr Green is going to tell Mr Zhang about Jim's study.
  Present some of the new words by talking about Jim's work like this: Jim works hard. He goes to school early and listens carefully in class. He does his homework well. He is not lazy. He does very well in the exams. He often gets over 90 in English. But his Chinese is not as good as his English. He is weak in Chinese. He often gets 60 or 65 in the Chinese exams. Write down lazy, over 90, weak, exam on the Bb. Get the Ss to guess their meaning.
  Step 3 Reading
  Let the Ss scan the passage to find the answers at the top of the page. Check the answers.
  Then let the Ss read the passage more carefully. Ask them questions about the passage: you can use the questions in Wb Lesson 38, Ex. 1 to help you, but don't let the Ss look at these questions yet.
  See if the Ss can guess the meaning of capital, miss and in trouble from the context. Discuss any language problems that occur.
  I hope! is used by itself at the end of the sentence for emphasis.
  Except Chinese = He'll do well in all the exams except Chinese. Mr Green thinks Jim will get low mark in the Chinese exam.
  Is he? is an expression of surprise.
  The whole family's going for two months. The Present Continuous Tense can be used to talk about future plans. Notice that family is singular.
  Step 4 Reading aloud
  SB page 38. Speech Cassette Lesson 38. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Then they can practise the dialogue in pairs.
  Step 5 Workbook
  Do Wb Ex. 1 orally in pairs. Then ask the Ss to write down their answers in their exercise books. Check the answers with the whole class.
  Some of the answers are: 1 Yes, but he is a little weak in his Chinese. 2 The headmaster thinks that Jim works hard and will do very well in the exams. 3 Yes, I think he does. 4 No, he isn't.
  10 Mr Green can't help Jim with his Chinese. He is worried about his Chinese because Jim may fall behind the other students.
  Step 6 Acting
  If time allows. ask two Ss to act out the dialogue. Get them to use gestures, e. g. Come in, please. Please sit down, etc. and facial expressions.
  Step 7 Workbook
  Do Wb Exx. 2 and 3. The answers to Ex. 2 are: 1 d, 2 b, 3 c, 4 a, 5 e, 6 f.
  The answers to Ex. 3 are: lazy, weak, missed, fell behind, except, exam.
  Finish off the Workbook exercises.
  Read the end of the dialogue on SB page 39, Part 1.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:05
 Lesson 35
  Step 1 Revision
  1 SB page 34. Discuss the picture: revise the vocabulary collected in the last lesson.
  2 Revise the story in Lesson 34 by going through written homework, Wb Ex. 1.
  Step 2 Reading
  SB page 35, Part 1. Let the Ss read the rest of the story to find the answer to the question (ladders)。
  Talk about the picture: What can you see? What is the worker doing with the machine?
  Wb Lesson 35, Ex. 1. Get the Ss to tick the right answers; then they should check their answers in pairs. Finally, check the answers with the whole class. The answers to Ex. 1 are: 1 B, 2 C, 3 B, 4 A.
  Speech Cassette Lesson 35. Play the tape through once. Ss follow the story silently. Play it again for the Ss to listen and repeat.
  Step 3 Acting
  Tell the Ss to act out the story in groups of three: one plays Uncle Wang, another, Jim and Li lei, and the third plays Lucy. They only speak the dialogue parts. After a few moments they all change roles.
  Step 4 Workbook
  Ask the Ss to go over the story in Lesson 34 quickly.
  Wb Ex. 2. Find the first sentence with the class, then let the Ss work on their own. They check their answers in pairs, then with the whole class. The answers are: 2, 7, 6, 5, 1, 9, 10, 8, 3, 11, 4.
  Get the Ss to retell the story with books closed. Use the sentences in Wb Ex. 2 as a guide.
  Step 5 Read and act
  SB page 35, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 35. Books closed. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat.
  Ask the Ss to find out how Uncle Wang goes to work.
  Discuss any problems, such as My house is about twenty minutes ty bike = It takes me twenty minutes toget home from here by bike.
  Books open. Play the tape again for the Ss to listen and repeat. Get two Ss to read and act the dialogue.
  Then the Ss practise the dialogues in pairs. Ask some pairs to act them out. See if they can do it without books!
  Step 6 Ask and answer
  SB page 35, Part 3. Go through the dialogue with individual Ss, then let the class ask and answer in pairs. Get some Ss to act out their dialogues at the end.
  Do Wb Ex. 3 orally in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class.
  Do Wb Ex. 4 orally first. Then ask the Ss to write down their answers in their exercise books. Tell the Ss to learn the verb forms by heart.
  Revise the contents of this unit and go over Checkpoint 9 for a test in the next lesson.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:06
  Lesson 32
  Note: This lesson sums up two more ways of using the Present Perfect Tense
  Step 1 Revision
  1 Revise the dialogue in SB page 31, Part 2. Get the Ss to ask and answer different Have you ever…? questions.
  2 Revise the dialogue in SB page 31, Part 3. Ask Have you done your homework yet? When did you do it? Have you had your breakfast/your maths lesson/done morning exercises/eye exercises yet? etc.
  Step 2 Listening
  SB page 32, Part 1. Listening Cassette Lesson 32. Wb Lesson 32, Ex. 1 Play the tape once Give the Ss a few moments to write down their answers Then play the tape again. Let the Ss check their answers in pairs and then with the whole class. Play the tape again if there are any arguments.
  Listening text
  On our farm we have got several different kinds of animals. We've got about fifty cows, but only a few sheep-about 12. We've also got a few pigs-about 35, I think. Oh, no: 34. One died last week. We usually have more, but we've just sold some.
  We've also got a lot of chickens. I'm not sure how many chickens we've got-about a hundred, I think. Oh, there are some ducks, too!
  I mustn't for get the ducks. We've got about 20of them.
  Step 3 Pronunciation
  Wb Lesson 32, Ex. 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 32. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Give then as much practice as necessary. Isolate the sounds: show the Ss how to shape their mouths to produce the sounds.
  Step 4 Read and act
  SB page 32, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 32. Ask the Ss What are the two people talking about? Let them put the sentences in the right order, read the dialogue quietly and find out the answer to the question. Play the tape.
  Get the Ss to listen and repeat. Then they can practise the dialogue in pairs. Ask some pairs to act it out.
  Have you got a moment? = Are you free now? The Strongman Tractor is the brand name of the tractor.
  Step 5 Checkpoint 8
  Go through Checkpoint 8. Discuss any problems that arise. Practise the“useful expressions” Make sure the Ss know what they mean and when to use them.
  Step 6 Test
  Give the Ss a series of answers. Tell them to write suitable questions to match these answers.
  1 I have just finished it.
  2 I haven't read it yet.
  3 No, I have never been there.
  4 Yes, I have seen! it twice.
  5 I have read this book many times.
  6 We have got about 20.
  7 I have cleaned it already.
  8 We have got several.
  9 I'm not sure.
  10 We get wool and mutton from sheep.
  Step 7 Workbook
  Wb Ex. 3. Do this exercise orally with the whole class, then let the Ss practise it in pairs. Get somepairs to act it out.
  The answers to Ex. 3 are: 2, 1, 4, 3.
  Wb Ex. 4 is optional. The answers are: A: have got;
  B: Have, been; A: went, gave; B: Have, taken;A: took; B: be.
  Revise the contents of this unit.
  Finish off the Workbook exercises.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:06
  Lesson 28
  Note: This lesson sums up some rules concerning word formation, which can help Ss learn English words.
  Step 1 Revision
  Tell the Ss Open your books at page 1. Point to the picture of Jim and ask Who's this? What's his name? Help the Ss to answer Jim. Then ask What's Jim short for? Let the Ss search through the book to find the answer if necessary.
  Ask about other people: What's Kate / Lin/Dave/Tom short for?
  Revise the reading passage in Lesson 2. Talk about John Henry Brown. Ask What do / call him when I meet him for the first time? What do / call him if he is a good friend? etc.
  Step 2 Word study
  SB page 28, Part 1. Go through the box with the Ss. Focus on short for. Remind the Ss that
  short for …… = a short way of saying …… Then get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs.
  Step 3 Presentation
  SB page 28, Part 2. Tell the Ss many words belong to the same family. Say Look at this: Draw a picture of the sun on the Bb.
  Ask What's that? Yes, it's the sun. What's the weather like? Help them to answer Sunny.
  Show the relationship between sun and sunny. Say Sun is a noun and sunny is an adjective. Let's look at some more examples.
  Go through Part 2. Make sure the Ss understand the terms nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and compounds (two words joined together)。 Translate these words into Chinese.
  Step 4 Practice
  Get the Ss to complete sentences, like this:
  T: There are some clouds in the sky. The weather's ……
  Ss: Cloudy.
  T: John has a loud voice. He always speaks ……
  Ss: Loudly.
  T: Mary plays basketball very well. She's a good ……
  Ss: Player.
  See if the Ss can make up more sentences to be completed. Then they can play the game in pairs, using the words in SB page 28, Part 2.
  Step 5 Listening
  Wb Lesson 28, Ex. 1. Listening Cassette
  Lesson 28. Make sure the Ss understand what to do. Play the tape once, then give the Ss a few moments to write down their answers. Play the tape again and pause it after important information. Let the Ss check the answers in pairs and then with the whole class. Play the tape one more time if there are any arguments.
  Listening text
  Here is a report on the weather in China yesterday. In Beijing it was clear. The temperature was 10-16. In Shanghai it was raining a little. The temperature was 12-18. In Harbin it was cloudy, and the temperature was 3-14. Further south, in Nanning, the sun was shining brightly, and the temperature was 23-35. In Fuzhou it was clear and raining a little. The temperature was 19-31.
  Step 6 Word stress
  Wb Lesson 28, Ex. 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 28. Tell the Ss In these words, the stress falls on the second syllable, like this: conductor. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat, get the Ss to make a gesture or tap the desk when they say the second syllable.
  Step 7 Checkpoint 7
  Go through Checkpoints 1 to 6 and discuss any difficulties that you think your Ss have. Revise any points that they want to mention.
  Step 8 Workbook
  Do Wb Ex. 3. The answers are: pencil-box, day-time, northwest, sunshine, basketball, weekday, penfriend, housework, postman, postcard, policeman, birthday, classmate, grandparent, blackboard, bookseller, handbag.
  Do Ex. 4. Pay attention to the word formation. The answers are: 1 helps, helpful; 2 care, careful; 3 well, good; 4 farmer, farm; 5 happy, happily.
  Revise the language items in Units 1-6.
  Prepare for the mid-term exam.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:06
  Lesson 24
  Step 1 Revision
  Books closed! Ask the questions in Wb Lesson 23, Ex. 3.
  Revise the Have you ever…? structure and its meaning. Get some Ss to make up some more questions.
  Step 2 Listening
  SB page 24, Part 1. Listening Cassette Lesson 24. Wb Lesson 24, Ex. 1. Make sure the Ss understand what to do. Play the tape through once and give the Ss a few moments to write down their answers. Then play the tape again, pausing after important information. Let the Ss check their answers in pairs, then with the whole class, Play the tape again if there are any arguments.
  Listening text
  Miss Yang knows her library very well. She can find any books very quickly. She also knows what kinds of books the students like. I asked her about some of the students in Class 3.
  “They are very different. They all like quite different kinds of books. For example, Jim likes story-books. But Li Lei is quite different. He likes reading science books. Some of the girls like science books, too. For example, Wei Hua likes reading science books also. But Han Meimei likes books about art.”
  Step 3 Stress
  Wb Lesson 24, Ex. 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 24.Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Pay attention to their stress.
  Step 4 Practice
  SB page 24, Part 2. Books closed! Revise Have you got…? by asking about classroom objects. Then books open. Read through the first dialogue with the Ss. Practice it with individual Ss, changing the subject each time (science /maths /English , etc)。
  Revise the meaning and formation of Have you got…?
  For the second dialogue, point out the use of the Simple Past Tense. We use this for a single completed action in the past yesterday. We could also use the Present Perfect Tense if the action occurred a few moments ago. We may say Yes, she/he has just returned it.
  Get the Ss to practice this dialogue using different items.
  Step 5 Checkpoint 6
  Go through Checkpoint 6 and discuss any problems that arise. Practice the“useful expressions” and make sure the Ss understand the meaning and usage of these expressions.
  Step 6 Test
  Verb form test. Get the Ss to draw three columns, headed Verb, Past Tense and Past Participle. Dictate the following verbs, which the Ss write in the first column. They have to fill in the other columns. For instance, you say“ask”; Ss write down ask, asked, asked.
  1 pay               2 travel              3 eat             4 lose
  5 find               6 see                 7 do              8 return
  9 forget            10 come
  Now ask the Ss to make up a two-line dialogue for each of the first 5 verbs using the Present Perfect Tense.
  Step 7 Workbook
  If time allows, do Wb Exx. 3 and 4 orally.
  Do Wb Ex. 3 in writing.
  Ask the Ss to read and learn the verb forms in the irregular verb list at the end of the Students' book.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:06
  Lesson 20
  Step 1 Revision
  1 Ask the Ss What were you doing when I came into the classroom?
  Get different answers. Then practise short form replies: Were you talking? Was he/she reading a book? etc.
  2 Revise while: ask What were you doing while you were waiting for me? Help the Ss to use while + Past Continuous Tense.
  3 Revise the difference between when + Simple Past Tense and while + Past Continuous Tense.
  Draw a diagram on the Bb to show the difference:
  when + Past Simple Tense:
  Step 2 Practice
  SB page 20, Part 1. Ask the Ss two questions as an example, then let them ask and answer in pairs.
  SB page 20, Part 2. Again, do one as an example. (You may wish to draw a diagram on the Bb to show its meaning.) Then get the Ss to make up their own examples.
  Step 3 Practice
  Wb Lesson 20, Ex. 1. Go through the questions; ask one or two Ss as an example. Then the Ss carry out the task in groups. When they have finished, ask some Ss to report their answers to the class.
  Step 4 Stress
  Wb Lesson 20, Ex. 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 20. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Focus on any problems. Make sure the Ss all stress the first syllable. Note that in the first group, there are two syllables. But in the second group, there are three. If time allows, show Ss flashcards with the words written on them. Get the Ss to read the words. Pay attention to the stress.
  Step 5 Checkpoint 5
  Go through Checkpoint 5. Discuss any problems that arise. Practise the useful expressions, making sure the Ss understand their meaning and usage.
  Step 6 Test
  Draw these time lines on the Bb:
  Sunday: Jim
  got up           cleaning         having
  his room        lunch
  left             shopping     came
  home                           home
  →→→→→→noon →→→→→→
  doing                                       her having
  homework                                lunch
  washing her
  →→→→→→  →→→→→→
  watching                          teaching Polly
  TV                                   to talk
  Give these questions orally. Tell the Ss to answer them in full sentences:
  1 What was Kate doing when Jim got up?
  2 What was Jim doing while Kate was watching TV?
  3 What was Kate doing when Jim came home?
  Ask the Ss to write three more sentences about the time lines.
  Step 7 Workbook
  Wb Ex. 3. Ss work in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class. The answers are:
  standing, happening, accident, hurt, travelling, while, corner, badly, sorry, dangerous, careful.
  Finish off the Workbook exercises.
  Revise the language items in this unit.
  The student on duty may prepare questions using the Past Continuous Tense for the next lesson.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:06
 Lesson 16
  Step 1 Revision
  1 Check the homework.
  2 Books closed! Get the Ss to ask and answer about the picture on SB page 15, Part 2.
  3 Draw a time line for Lucy:
  Yesterday: Lucy
  cleaning her room             doing her homework
  having a rest                    playing in the park
  Get the Ss to ask and answer What was Lucy doing at ten o'clock yesterday morning? etc.
  Step 2 Listening
  SB page 16, Part 1. Listening Cassette
  Lesson 16. Wb Lesson 16, Ex. 1. Make sure the Ss understand what to do. Play the tape through once. Then play it again, pausing after any important information to give the Ss a chance to write down the answers. Let them check their answers in pairs. Play the tape again if there are any arguments. Check the answers with the whole class.
  Listening text
  POLICEMAN: Mr Green, what were you doing at eight o'clock last night?
  MR GREEN: Er, I was going home from a meeting.
  POLICEMAN: What meeting?
  MR GREEN: A parents' meeting at school.
  POLICEMAN: I See. OK. Mrs Black, what were you doing at eight o'clock last night?
  MRS BLACK:I was working late.
  POLICEMAN: Working? At eight o'clock in the evening?
  MRS BLACK: Yes. There were about ten of us there last night. We were working late.
  POLICEMAN: OK. Now, Mr Brown, what were you doing at eight o'clock last night?
  MR BROWN: Um, I was watching TV with my wife.
  POLICEMAN: I See. Oh, where is your wife, please?
  Can I speak to her?
  MR BROWN: Sorry, she isn't here today. She went toParis yesterday.
  Ask the Ss in Chinese: Who don't you believe? Why?
  Step 3 Read and say
  SB page 16, Part 2. Read through the words in the boxes with the Ss. You can play a game, like this:
  S1 (Policeman): What were you doing at ten o'clock yesterday morning?
  S2: I was working in the hospital.
  S1: Are you a doctor?
  S2: Yes, I am.
  See if the policeman can guess the job correctly each time! Ss can play this game in pairs.
  Then, Ss can make up dialogues like the one at the end of Part 2.
  Step 4 Stress and intonation
  Wb Lesson 16, Ex. 2. Speech Cassette
  Lesson 16. Remind the Ss that we pause at the end of a clause when we are saying a long sentence. Notice, too, that our voice goes up at the end of a yes/no question and down at the end of most statements. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Pay attention to their intonation. Practise the sentences several times if necessary.
  Step 5 Checkpoint 4
  Go through Checkpoint 4 with the Ss and discuss any problems that arise. Practise the “useful expressions” Make sure the Ss understand the meaning of these expressions and when to use them.
  Step 6 Test
  Ask the following questions orally. Ss should write down their answers using complete sentences.
  1 What were you doing at nine o'clock last night?
  2 What were you doing at ten o'clock last Sunday morning?
  3 What were you doing at three o'clock yesterday afternoon?
  4 What were you doing at six thirty this morning?
  5 What were you doing when I came into the classroom?
  Step 7 Workbook
  Wb Ex. 3. Do the first one as an example, then the Ss can work alone.
  Finish off the Workbook exercises.
  As the Ss to do Ex. 4.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:07
  Lesson 12
  Step 1 Revision
  1 Check the homework.
  2 Revise the structures and dialogues in Lesson 11.
  Step 2 Listening
  SB page 12, Part 1. Listening Cassette
  Lesson 12. Wb Lesson 12, Ex.1. Make sure the Ss understand the instructions and the words on the form.
  Play the tape once. Give the Ss a few moments to write down their answers, then play the tape again.
  This time, pause the tape after important information.
  Let the Ss check their answers in pairs, then with the whole class.
  Listening text
  LUCY: Hello, Wei Hua!
  WEI HUA: Oh, hi, Lucy!
  LUCY: What's the next lesson, Wei Hua?
  WEI HUA: English.
  LUCY: Oh good, that's my favourite subject.
  WEI HUA: That's because you always find it so easy! I find it very difficult, so I don't like it very much.
  LUCY: Han Meimei finds English quite difficult, too. But she says it's her favourite subject!
  WEI HUA: Yes, I know. And her second favourite subject is maths.
  LUCY: Maths is my worst! I don't like it. I always get the answers wrong!
  WEI HUA: So if English is your favourite subject, what's your second favourite?
  LUCY: P. E. What about you?
  WEI HUA: I'm not sure. Both Chinese and science are my favourite subjects. I think I like Chinese a little more than science.
  LUCY: You're very different from Han Meimei!
  She doesn't like science at all!
  Step 3 Stress and Intonation
  Wb Lesson 12, Ex. 2. Speech Cassette
  Lesson 12. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Pay attention to the stress of individual words and the pauses in each sentence. These pauses usually come after a phrase or a clause.
  Step 4 Practice
  SB page 12, Part 2. Use these dialogues as models for revision. Make up similar dialogues with the Ss, then let them work in pairs. Explain that I find it very difficult means that the speaker has problems with maths.
  Step 5 Presentation
  Make a list on the Bb: science, English, music. Tell the Ss I like music, but I think science is more interesting, and I think English is the most interesting.
  Get the Ss to listen and repeat.
  Wb Ex. 3. Use these lists to present more/the most structures and to get the Ss to practise using them.
  Repeat with less/least.
  Then get the Ss to make up their own lists and to write a more/most sentence and a less/least sentence.
  Step 6 Checkpoint 3
  Go through the grammar points in Checkpoint 3.
  Discuss any problems that the Ss have. Practise saying the “useful expressions” and make sure the Ss understand the meanings of the expressions.
  Step 7 Test
  Tell the Ss I will say an adjective. You have to write down a whole sentence using the comparative form. For instance, I will say:“delicious”
  You write: I think a banana is more delicious than an apple.
  Ready? 1 interesting 2 difficult 3 popular
  When they have finished, repeat the instructions, but this time, the Ss have to use a superlative form:
  Apples are delicious, but I think bananas are more delicious and oranges are the most delicious. Ready? 4 dangerous 5 important 6 strong
  Check the Ss use the forms correctly in terms of grammar and meaning.
  Step 8 Practice
  SB page 12, Part 3. If time allows, let the Ss spend a minute preparing their report. They can then present it in small groups. Ask one or two Ss to make a report to the whole class.
  Finish off the Workbook Ex. 4.
  The answers are: or, prefer, than, with, more, to, much, to, as, more.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:07
  Lesson 12
  Step 1 Revision
  1 Check the homework.
  2 Revise the structures and dialogues in Lesson 11.
  Step 2 Listening
  SB page 12, Part 1. Listening Cassette
  Lesson 12. Wb Lesson 12, Ex.1. Make sure the Ss understand the instructions and the words on the form.
  Play the tape once. Give the Ss a few moments to write down their answers, then play the tape again.
  This time, pause the tape after important information.
  Let the Ss check their answers in pairs, then with the whole class.
  Listening text
  LUCY: Hello, Wei Hua!
  WEI HUA: Oh, hi, Lucy!
  LUCY: What's the next lesson, Wei Hua?
  WEI HUA: English.
  LUCY: Oh good, that's my favourite subject.
  WEI HUA: That's because you always find it so easy! I find it very difficult, so I don't like it very much.
  LUCY: Han Meimei finds English quite difficult, too. But she says it's her favourite subject!
  WEI HUA: Yes, I know. And her second favourite subject is maths.
  LUCY: Maths is my worst! I don't like it. I always get the answers wrong!
  WEI HUA: So if English is your favourite subject, what's your second favourite?
  LUCY: P. E. What about you?
  WEI HUA: I'm not sure. Both Chinese and science are my favourite subjects. I think I like Chinese a little more than science.
  LUCY: You're very different from Han Meimei!
  She doesn't like science at all!
  Step 3 Stress and Intonation
  Wb Lesson 12, Ex. 2. Speech Cassette
  Lesson 12. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Pay attention to the stress of individual words and the pauses in each sentence. These pauses usually come after a phrase or a clause.
  Step 4 Practice
  SB page 12, Part 2. Use these dialogues as models for revision. Make up similar dialogues with the Ss, then let them work in pairs. Explain that I find it very difficult means that the speaker has problems with maths.
  Step 5 Presentation
  Make a list on the Bb: science, English, music. Tell the Ss I like music, but I think science is more interesting, and I think English is the most interesting.
  Get the Ss to listen and repeat.
  Wb Ex. 3. Use these lists to present more/the most structures and to get the Ss to practise using them.
  Repeat with less/least.
  Then get the Ss to make up their own lists and to write a more/most sentence and a less/least sentence.
  Step 6 Checkpoint 3
  Go through the grammar points in Checkpoint 3.
  Discuss any problems that the Ss have. Practise saying the “useful expressions” and make sure the Ss understand the meanings of the expressions.
  Step 7 Test
  Tell the Ss I will say an adjective. You have to write down a whole sentence using the comparative form. For instance, I will say:“delicious”
  You write: I think a banana is more delicious than an apple.
  Ready? 1 interesting 2 difficult 3 popular
  When they have finished, repeat the instructions, but this time, the Ss have to use a superlative form:
  Apples are delicious, but I think bananas are more delicious and oranges are the most delicious. Ready? 4 dangerous 5 important 6 strong
  Check the Ss use the forms correctly in terms of grammar and meaning.
  Step 8 Practice
  SB page 12, Part 3. If time allows, let the Ss spend a minute preparing their report. They can then present it in small groups. Ask one or two Ss to make a report to the whole class.
  Finish off the Workbook Ex. 4.
  The answers are: or, prefer, than, with, more, to, much, to, as, more.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:07
  第十三课  Lesson Thirteen
  2.句型: It's quite a nice picture.
  录音机;一组图片,画有人物和动作,如:打篮球、跑步、唱歌、写作业等,并标有具体的过去时间。如: 8:30 yesterday morning等。
  T:What are you doing?
  S1:I'm sweeping the floor.
  S2:I'm reading a book.
  S3:I'm writing.
  T:What is he/she doing?
  Ss:He is sweeping the floor. She is reading a book. He is writing.
  2.复习 值日生报告。
  3.就刚才三位同学的动作,向全班提问: What was ×××doing when I came in?
  He was sweeping the floor. She was reading a book. He was writing.
  6.合上书。准备放课文第 2部分录音。教师给出听前提问(Pre-reading questions):
  What is Li Lei doing?
  T:What was Li Lei doing when the teacher came in?
  S:He was drawing a picture.
  T:What was he drawing?
  S:He was drawing a horse.
  T: What was he using?
  S:He was using chalk.
  T:Where was he drawing?
  S: He was drawing on the blackboard.
  全班两人一组,就Meimei及the twins进行内容相似的问答练习,请几组同学表演。
  But please don't play with my chalk. 但是请不要玩粉笔。
  句中的 play是不及物动词,意思是:玩,玩耍。例如: Let's play together. 让我们一起玩吧。
  1)The children are playing basketball over there. 孩子们正在那边打篮球呢。
  2) Let's play doctors and nurses. 让我们扮演医生和护士。
  3) She plays the piano wonderfully. 她钢琴弹得非常好。
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:07
  Lesson 8
  Step 1 Revision
  1 Check the homework.
  2 Revise the comparative and superlative for ms of well and badly. See TB Lesson 7, Step 5.
  3 Dictate regular/ irregular forms of adverbs(See Checkpoint 2)。
  Step 2 Listening
  SB page 8, Part 1. Listening Cassette Lesson 8. Wb Lesson 8, Ex. 1. Say There is a sports meeting at a school. Now you'll hear the results over the loudspeaker. Ask the Ss to read the instruction. Mak esure the Ss understand the instructions. Play the tape once. Give the Ss a chance to write down their answers Play the tape again, with pauses after important information.
  Let the Ss check their answers in pairs and then with the whole class. Play the tape one more time for the Ss to follow.
  Listening text
  (Loudspeaker's voice)
  Hello again. Here are the results of the boys' and girls' relay races. First of all, the boys ' relay race.
  Results: First- Class 3. Second- Class 1.
  Third- Class 2.
  Congratulations, Class 3.
  Now the results of the girls' relay race.
  First- Class 2. Second- Class 1.
  Third- Class 3.
  Congratulations, Class 2.
  Step 3 Word stress
  Wb Lesson 8, Ex. 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 8.
  Practise the word stress. The stress for all these words falls on the first syllable.
  Step 4 Read and act
  SB page 8, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 8. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Ss act out the dialogue in pairs (one student plays the Head teacher, and the other student plays the other parts)。
  Step 5 Checkpoint 2
  Revise the comparison of adverbs. Practise the“useful expressions”。 Make sure the Ss understand the meaning of these expressions.
  Discuss any other problems that the Ss raise.
  Step 6 Test
  Write this table on the Bb:
  Ask the Ss to make up nine sentences, three for each subject.
  Here is a model:
  Meimei 3 Wu Dong 2 Lin Tao 1
  Meimei swims fast.
  Wu Dong swims faster.
  Lin Tao swims fastest of all.
  Step 7 Workbook
  Wb Exx. 3 and 4.
  Do Ex. 3 orally. Ask some questions as an example:
  Who jumped higher, Zhang Jun or Lin Tao?
  Then get the Ss to make up their own questions to ask and answer in pairs.
  If time allows, do Ex. 4. Do the first two as an example, then let the Ss work alone. The answers for Ex. 4 are: 1 on; 2 at; 3 in, with, At; 4 In, behind, on, with; 5 Of; 6 from; 7 on, to, at; 8 to.
  Finish off the Workbook exercises.
  Revise the new words and phrases in Lessons 5-8.
  Revise the irregular/ regular forms of adverbs.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:07
  Lesson 7
  Step 1 Revision
  Revise the vocabulary of sports meeting. Ask What is a relay race? Get the Ss to explain it to you.
  Revise the story in Lesson 6. Ask about the pictures:
  What's happening in the first/second /third picture?
  Step 2 Read
  SB page 7, Part 1. Allow the Ss a few seconds to read the passage again. Ask Who won the race? Who was second? Who was third? What happened to Wu Peng?
  Get the Ss to make sentences using fast/faster than/fastest of all about the race. Write these sentences on the Bb.
  Explain the meaning of Jiang Hong lin was not fast enough which means he could not catch the other runners. Note the position of enough (after the adjective it modifies)。 Notice that we use a plural verb were after Class 3 (because it's a singular noun with aplural meaning)。
  See if the Ss can guess the meaning of Well done! and Congratulations!
  Speech Cassette Lesson 7. Listen to the tape and repeat.
  Step 3 Workbook
  Wb Lesson 7, Ex. 1. Do some of the questions orally first, before the Ss write the answers in their exercise books. Check their answers in pairs and then with the whole class.
  Step 4 Workbook
  Ex. 2. Tell the Ss You can find the words in the story.
  Do the first two as an example (done, bad), then the Ss can work in pairs.
  Check the answers, then let the Ss practise the dialogue in pairs One student can play the part of Wei Hua and the Loudspeaker. Ask one pair to act out the dialogue.
  The answers for Ex. 2 are: done, bad, dropped, won, result, loudspeaker, Well, Good.
  Step 5 Presentation
  Use the sentences on the Bb from Step 2 to help you revise the comparative and superlative forms of adverbs. Then present two irregular adverbs: well/better than/best of all and badly/ worse than /worst of all.
  Say Jiang Honglin did well. Wu Peng did better than Jiang Honglin. Lin Tao did best of all!
  Then SB page 7, Part 2. Go through the sentences with the Ss. Explain the meaning of rather (= quite)。
  Use Chinese if necessary.
  Ask some questions Who did worse, Meimei or Lucy?
  Who did better, Lily or Meimei? etc.
  Step 6 Practice
  SB page 7, Part 3. Present and practise the dialogues.
  Get the student who says Congratulations! to shake hands with the other student. For Bad luck! the student can pat the other on the shoulder! Ss practise the dialogues in pairs. Explain It was nothing.
  Step 7 Read and act
  SB page 7, Part 4. Speech Cassette Lesson 7. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Get them to guess the meaning of girls' 400-metres (=a race over 400 metres for girls)。 Explain that It was difficult to see. =It 's hard to say.
  See if the Ss can act out the dialogue without books.
  Step 8 Workbook
  Wb Lesson 7, Ex. 3. Do the first four sentences in class before the Ss do the exercise in pairs.
  Do Wb Ex. 3. Get the Ss to write two to four new sentences.
  Revise the comparative and superlative forms of adverbs.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:07
Lesson 4
Step 1 Revision
1 Revise name dialogues with the Ss. Ask Excuse me. What's your full name? May I call you …?
2 Revise English names. Talk about David William Lewis and Catherine Mary Jones. Revise full name, first/last/given name, for short, etc. SeeTB Lesson 3, Steps 2 and 3.
Step 2 Listening
SB page 4, Part 1. Listening Cassette Lesson 4. Wb Lesson 4, Ex. 1. Tell the Ss to listen carefully to the instructions. Play the instructions only. Check to see if the Ss understand what to do. If necessary, help them do the first one. Remind them to use capital letters.
Play the dialogue once. Give the Ss time to write in the answers. Play the tape again. This time, pause the tape after any important information.
Listening text
Miss Zhao is asking three students their names. She is also asking them to spell their names. Write their names in capital letters in the form on page 4 in your workbook.
ZHAO: Good morning. May I have your name, please?
JIM: Yes. My name is Jim Allan Green.
ZHAO: Um, Green is your family name, Jim?
JIM: Yes, it is.
ZHAO: So Jim Allan are your given names?
JIM: Yes, that's right.
ZHAO: Could you spell Allan, please?
JIM: A-double L-A-N.
ZHAO: Thank you. Next, please. Could you tell me your name, please?
LUCY: Yes, my family name is King. My full name is Lucy Marion King.
ZHAO: OK. How do you spell Marion, please?
ZHAO: Thank you, Lucy. Next, please!
BRUCE: My name is Bruce Christopher Smith.
ZHAO: One moment, please! Your family name is Smith, isn't it?
BRUCE: Yes, Smith. S-M-I-T-H.
ZHAO: And your other names are er— could you spell them, please?
BRUCE: Certainly! B-R-U-C-E-Bruce.
ZHAO: That last name again, please.
BRUCE: Christopher-that's C-H-R-I-S-T-O-P-H-E-R.
ZHAO: Thank you, Bruce.
Step 3 Presentation
Tell the Ss that in a word of more than one syllable, we stress part of the word. Give an example: 'difficult. We don't say dif'ficult or diffi'cult. The stress falls on the first syllable.
Wb Lesson 4, Ex. 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 4. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat.
Step 4 Presentation
Revise the use of be going to and will for the future.
Note that be going to is used for plans and intentions.
Will is used for arrangements and uncertain plans (Maybe I'll…).
Present and practise this dialogue:
A: What are you going to do this evening?
B: I'm not sure. Maybe I'll stay at home. What about you?
A: I'm going to the cinema.
SB page 4, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 4. Do the Monday dialogue. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Then get the Ss to act out their dialogues in pairs.
Step 5 Read and act
Briefly revise the Simple Past Tense. Remind the Ss of the use of did questions and negative statements.
Do the Friday dialogue (Part 2) in the same way.
Remind the Ss that Teachers' Day came on Tuesday, so we are now using the past tense to talk about it.
Ask the Ss: What did you do on Teachers' Day?
Step 6 Checkpoint 1
Go through Checkpoint 1. Revise the forms of each tense and discuss when they are used, e.g. :
Simple Present: habit, personal facts (I'm 15. I go to… Middle School).
Get the Ss to ask you about any other problems they have in this unit.
Practise saying the“useful expressions.”
Step 7 Test
(See TB Appendix, page 215.)
Step 8 Workbook
Wb Lesson 4, Ex. 3. The answers are: are listening, is, are going, buy, want, is, don't like, don't buy, think, is, is. For Ex. 4, revise the phrases in the box and get the Ss to make up some new dialogues.
Write one of the dialogues in Ex. 4 in the exercise book.
Revise the language items in this unit.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:08
Teaching Aims
  1.Get the students to know about Bob Geldof and his project of the text.
  2.Study new words and sentences of this paragraph.
  Teaching Procedures
  Step Presentation
  Questions and Answers:
  Have you known Bob Geldof ? Did you listen his songs?
  Step Watch the video
  When and where was he born?
  What did Bob ask his pop star friends to do?
  Step Intensive reading
  Read Lesson 102 carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
  1. For what reason did Bob Geldof’s life change?
  A. He read a book about the poor Africans.
  B. He heard a story of hungry people.
  C. He saw pictures of hungry people in Africa on TV.
  D. He heard the news on the radio.
  2. What is so special about Bob Geldof?
  A. He organized other singers to sing for him—for free.
  B. He is a famous pop star.
  C. He had a special experience when he was young.
  D. He knew the problems which the Africans had.
  3. Why did Bob Geldof organize the concerts?
  A. To make people know him.
  B. To call on the African people to fight for freedom.
  C. To earn money for his family.
  D. To collect money for food and other things for Africa.
  4. The passage is mainly about ________.
  A. Bob’s friends sang in the conceits for money
  B. Bob Geldof succeeded in organizing concerts to help the African people
  C. other people wanted to share the money collected
  D. many people liked to travel by plane because it was free
  5.How much money did he collect from selling records?
  A.6 million pounds   B.7 million pounds
  C.8 million pounds   D.9 million pounds
  Key : 1-5 CADBC
  Step Listening and Practising
  Listen to this paragraph twice ,then judge whether of the following is True or False.
  1.After he left school he worked first as a worker building roads and later in a food factory.
  2.In Canada he began to write about music for a newspaper and became interested in pop groups. 3.Bob Geldof’s pop group was the top one from 1979 to 1982.
  4.Bob Geldof's life changed one October evening because lots of copies of his record were sold and he earned a lot of money.
  5.The record “DO THEY KNOW IT'S CHRISTMAS” was a great success.
  6.When he reached Africa, he realized that hunger was the only problem in the African countries.
  Key: 1. False  2. True  3. True  4. False   5.True  6.False
  Step Talking and Speaking
  Talk about the pictures with your own words.
  Bob Geldof -----a famous singer
  watch TV----astonished and sad at what he saw in Africa
  decide to help -----make a pop record
  collect money-----help hungry people in Africa
  Step Language study
  Fill in the blanks with the box , using the right form of the verbs.
  come from, increase, organize, return, produced, sell out, copy, realize

  1.I heard that the new book will _________next month.
  2.After a few years study he ________ to his home town.
  3.The population of tills town has _________ by fifty thousand since 1990.
  4.Rubber is mainly _________ on Hainan Island.
  5.Our teacher__________ a class trip to the beach.
  6. The largest and most delicious pears _______ _______ Hejian county.
  7.Please send a ________of this letter to Mr Grey.
  8. She ___________her intention of becoming an actress.
  Key: 1.sell out, 2. returned    3. increased     4. produced    5. organized  6. come from   7.copy, 8.realized
  Step Summary
  学生活动:学生根据对本课的理解,完成Bob Geldof的生平简介。
  Complete the information from the story about Bob Geldof.
  Name: Bob Geldof
  Nationality: ____________
  Birthplace: _____________
  Date of Birth: ___________
  Work: __________
  Main events:
  Key: Ireland ,Dublin ,1954,
  As a worker at first, later he had his own pop group.
  1.His mother died.
  2.He became interested in pop groups.
  3.He formed his own pop group.
  4.Their group stopped playing together.
  5.His record were produced and copied.
  6.He organized two concerts on the same day.
  Step Discussion
  Topic: What can we learn from Bob Geldof ?
  Step Exercise
  Read Lesson 102 again, then fill in the blanks with the right verb forms.
  Bob Geldof was a world famous Irish pop star. He was _____ in Ireland in 1954. His mother_____ when he was seven. When he was fourteen he _____ interested in pop groups. He ____school and ______ in a food factory. Then he _____ to Canada where he ______ about music for a newspaper. In 1975 he ______ to Dublin, the capital of the Irish Republic, where he ______his own pop group.
  One day, Bob Geldof was _____ TV and he _____ some very sad pictures of hungry people in Africa. He ______ very sorry for them and he thought that he could do something to ______ them. Suddenly he had the idea of _______ a pop record. He ____ up all his friends in the pop world, and they all _____ to sing on his record for free. So a pop record was ______ and 8 million pounds were ______ from the record sales.
  Key: born, died, became, left, worked, went wrote, returned, found, watching, saw, felt, help, making, rang, agreed, produced, collected
  Step Homework
  1.Complete the Workbook exercises.
  2.Retell this paragraph with your own words.
  3.Prepare Lesson 103.
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:08
2.高考重点短语:pay for one's schooling, a skilled seaman, defeat sb, watch sb.doing,head south,name sb ,jump about,end in disaster,strike a coral bed,tear a large hole,Cook's quick thinking
3.词汇:store, live (adj.), raise, sickness, defend, seize, celebrate, sink , let out, set sail, fall ill, pass by, be worth doing, in search of, at sea, take an interest in, take... by surprise, in charge of
4.交际用语:Learn how to express "Decisions and intentions"
I insist that... I have decided to... I shall insist on... We will...
5.语法:进一步学习动词- ing 形式做宾语,主语和表语的用法,利用CAPTAIN COOK(1) 复习定语从句。
这篇文章内容平板,普通的处理会流于平庸。DIALOGUE前建议教师先提问:“why did so many seamen die during the long voyage?" "what will you take if you go through a forest?" 启发学生思维.教师在处理课文时,可紧紧抓住"库克少年时受人资助,战争中表现出色,航海中的特殊贡献"这一亮点,鼓励学生独立思考,勇于创新的精神.
这两篇课文主要围绕CAPTAIN COOK 富有传奇色彩的一生。要求学生不仅能够用英语描绘他的生平,而且汲取他勇于冒险的精神。教师可酌情要求学生对细节词汇的领悟,比如:p8中的二段中的:break out, join the navy ,defend, chart ,mark, down the river, defeat, seize......语法上可结合P8课文内容巩固上一单元定语从句的基本用法。
1.alive, live (adj.) 和living
alive 指人和动物,在句中只能做宾补,表语或后置定语.例如:
An army office was caught alive.一名敌人军官被活捉.
He is still alive. 他还活着. Who is the greatest man alive? 谁是当今最伟大的人物?
Live (adj.) [laiv] 指人,动物或物.在句中做定语 如: He is a live person. 他是个生气勃勃的人.
Mother bought a live fish.妈妈买了一条活鱼.
Living 可指人或物,说明某个时候是活着的. 如:
The living person are more important.活着的人更重要.
Language is a living and continually changing thing.语言是活的而且不断变化的东西.
pass, past和pass by
pass 动词,"经过,通过"如:The ship passed the channel.船通过海峡.
Past形容词,"过去的"如:for the past few days 过去几天以来.
介词"过"如:It is half past seven now. 现在七点半.
Our bus drove the Great Hall of the People.我们乘的公共汽车开过人民大会堂.
pass by 如:The expedition passed close by the island of Java.
raise "升高,增加,提升"多用做及物动词,后面带宾语,有被动形式.如:
Heavy rains raised the river stage.暴雨使河水水位升高.
The dumbbell was raised from the ground.哑铃被从地上举了起来.
rise "上升,起立,升起",但是不及物动词,后面不能带宾语,没有被动形式.如:
The price rose.价格上涨.His hair rose on his head.他觉的毛骨悚然.
The fish were rising.鱼浮上水面来了sickness, sick 和 ill
ill多用做表语形容词.如: He was badly ill.他病的很严重.
Sick做定语形容词,"有病的,病人的"a sick man 病人
Sickness名词"疾病"如:There hasn't been much sick here this year.今年这儿疾病不多.
worth 和worthy
worth和worthy 都是形容词,词义也基本相同,但在词的搭配及用法上有差别.
This machine is worth 100,ooo yuan. 这台机器价值十万元.
It is not worth more than 10 shillings.它的价值不超过十先令.
His suggestion is worth considering.他的建议值得考虑.
The book is worth reading.这本书值得读.
The Great Wall is well worth visiting.长城非常值得参观.
worthy 用做形容词,为"配得上的,值得的".其用法如下:
be worthy of + 名词.如:
The museum is worthy of a visit.这个博物馆值得参观.
That man is not worthy of his work.那个人不配做他的工作.
be worthy of + being done (to be done). 如:
This is worthy of being done.
The novel is worthy of being read.
His suggestion is worthy of to be considered.
Who is that worthy gentleman?那位"可敬的"大人是谁呀?
He lived a worthy life.他过着有价值的生活.
That worthy gentleman couldn't even tell wheat from barley.那位可敬的先生连大麦和小麦都分不清.
形式/态           主动语态               被动语态
一般式            writing                being written
完成式            having written          having been written
否定式  not +  动名词
做主语,表经常性的动作    e.g Seeing is believing.
Taking a walk in the morning makes one healthier.    Reading good novels pleases me.
做宾语. 下列动词或短语动词后接动名词
complete, finish, enjoy, mind, practice, resist, risk, suggest, understand, report, excuse, admit, appreciate, avoid, deny, escape, fancy, postpone,delay, imagine, consider, miss, give up, go on, can’t help, put off,
be used to, add to, devote to, lead to, get down to, pay attention to, look forward to, stick to + doing
prevent… from, keep on, be tired of, be afraid of, insist on, be proud of, be good at, be successful in + doing,be worth doing =be worthy of being done / be worthy to be done,be busy doing ,feel like doing
但注意区别 would like to do
e.g Her job is taking care of the children.      The music they are playing sounds exciting.
The best exercise in summer is swimming.
e.g a sleeping car, a hiding place, a reading room, a spelling book
want/need/require + doing    have difficulty ( in) + doing
There is no need/use/harm/hurry ( in ) + doing   It is no use/good + doing
物主代词( 名词所有格 ) + 动名词
e.g Mary’s coming late made her teacher angry.
Would you mind my/me opening the door?
1.In summer we enjoy_______ under the big trees, playing cards together.
  A. sitting  B. to sit  C. seated  D. seating
2.I regret______ unable to help you.
  A. to be  B. that I can be  C. being  D. for being
3.I think it no use _____a lot without _______ anything.
  A. talking, doing  B. to talk, do  C. talked, doing  D. talking, being done
4. He was praised for_______ the little girl out of the river.
  A. help  B. to help  C. having helped  D. being helped
5.How about_____ to the concert with us?
  A. to go  B. go  C. going  D. gone
6.He was lucky that he escaped _______.
  A. to punish  B. being punished  C. punishing  D. to be punished
7.I didn’t feel like _____, so I suggested______ a walk.
  A.to work, to take  B. working, taking  C. to work, taking  D. working,taking
8.I have not got used ______in the center of the city.
  A.live  B. living  C. to live  D. to living
9.When I heard the hero’s report, I could not help ______.
  A. to be moved  B. being moved  C. moving  D. to move
10.This problem has been settled. It______ any more.
  A. needs discussing B. needs to be discussed C. needn’t being discussed D.doesn’t need discussing
11.Can you imagine _____ alone on a lonely island?
  A.to live  B. living  C. live  D. yourself to live
12._____ made his father very happy.
  A.Alice married Peter  B. Alice’s married Peter  C. Alice’s marrying Peter
  D. Alice being married Peter
13.I can’t understand______ without saying goodbye to me.
  A. you leaving  B. you to leave  C. for you to leave  D. you leave
14.I really appreciate ______ to help me.
A.your offering  B. for you to offer  C. of you to offer  D. for your offering
15.I was surprised at _____the task so soon.
  A. his completed  B. his having completed  C. his having completing  D. him completed
16.The thief ran so fast that he missed _______.
  A. catching  B. to be caught  C. being caught  D. to catch
17.Seeing is _____ .
  A. believing  B. to be believed  C. to believing  D. being believed
18._____ at the class meeting made us encouraged.
  A. He having being praised   B. His having been praised
  C. He being praised          D. For him to have praised
19.The little boy doesn’t mind_____ alone at home.
  A. being left  B. left  C. leaving  D. to be left
20.You can speak English well if you _____ it
  A.keep on practising to speak   B. keep to practise to speak
  C. keep on practising speaking  D. keep on to practise to speak
Key: 1---5 ACACC 6---10 BBDBD  11---15 BCAAB 16---20 CABAC
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:08
1.交际用语;掌握交际用语中关于Certainty and uncertainty 的使用,并使学生能够熟练运用下列表达:
Perhaps I'll go to that one.
Maybe it was useful for some people.
I'm not sure if/whether…
I doubt if he'll be asked to speak again next year.
I'm not sure that …
I'm sure …
2. 语言点:掌握词语succeed , devote, set off, pay off 等的用法
运用所学语言,完成教科书和练习册中所规定的听说读写的任务;阅读课文Madame Curie", 确切理解,让学生了解科学家居里夫妇一生为人类作出的贡献,引导他们学习居里夫妇从事科学事业所表现出来的毅力,勇气和献身精神,并完成有关课文内容的练习。
教学建议Lesson 1
由于高三学年的学习面临着高考任务,因此应从第一节课开始,向学生宣讲"突出语篇,强调应用,注意实际。"这十二个字为高考题原则。从现在起以语篇为基本单位,进行全面的综合的高考复习,本学年除要学完高三两册课本内容外,还需要有一定时间进行各项分类讲解与练习以及综合试卷的模拟练习,因此,对于课本内容的处理应根据本校,本教学班的具体英语水平及程度进行适当调整。若学生程度较好,可将课文主要作为阅读材料进行处理,建议每单元(包括听力)用三课时完成。若学生程度较弱,对课文内容的处理可以从细,尤其是对每篇文章结构,主旨大意,难句,高考中常考到的词语用法,异同辨析等的讲解,练习与检测。当然,对于部分课后练习以及课文内容依然要做适当删减,删减标准,以上述十二字原则为准。以保证综合复习时间。需要教师注意的是,教学速度的加快极易导致教学过程流于形式,难于保证效果,因此,要特别注意检查落实的实施。例如每单元以语篇为单位检测语法点、短语及词汇,并记分。就本单元而言,因有较为重要的语法定语从句,建议用四至七课时完成。两篇课文中的语法点和辨析内容较多,可不必一次性讲完,每课时最多处理四至五个。资源中提供的资料要根据高考要求经过适当裁剪教与学生。另外,在作词语辨析时,应尽量从原有的知识入手,发挥学生的主观能动性,多让他们张嘴,或将需要辨析的词语作为作业 布置下去,由学生去找出异同,教师后来作出评价和取舍。课文结构和内容的分析可与语法点的讲解分开处理,若条件许可,个别词语可通过让学生课上课下造句的形式加以掌握和强化。
Lesson 1 词汇辨析:
1. I'm not sure whether to go to the one about accidents. 我还没有决定是否去听那个有关事故的报告。
(1) be sure + whether等连词+不定式
be sure + of/about短语
be sure + that-clause(从句)
① She isn't sure whether to stay in New York next month.下个月是否留在纽约,她还不能肯定。(注:不定式的逻辑主语与全句主语一致)
② I wasn't sure about/of the way,so I asked someone.我对于怎么走没有把握,所以我就问人了。
③I'm sure he'll come.我肯定他会来。
(2)be sure to do sth.表示"一定会...,必定会..."。e.g.
It's a really good film-you're sure to like it.它确实是一部好电影,你一定会喜欢
(3)be sure作"有把握"解时,还可用feel sure。e.g.
①I've never felt sure of success.我从来没有像现在这样对胜利有充分的信心。
②I feel sure we have disturbed you of your work.我确信我们已打扰了你的工作。
(4)be sure 与be certain
be certain意思是"确信,有把握",用法与be sure同,即:
be certain + 不定式
be certain + of/about-phrase
be certain + that-clause
但sure强调主语的心理状态,指主语心中无疑或十分确信、有把握,着重于人的内心世界,故其主语只能是人,且不能用来形容事件。所以当主语是表示事件的名词、代词或it时,只能用certain. certain 着重说明有肯定的理由和证据使人相信或确信,强调内心世界之外的证据。e.g.
①it is certain to rain.天肯定会下雨。
②His information was by no means certain.他的消息-点也不可靠。
③ It's almost certain that the government will lose the next election.几乎可以肯定现政府会在下次选举中输掉。
④We are sure/certain of victory.我们确信自己会获胜。
(5)make sure表示"查明,弄确实"和"(采取行动)确保",其用法是:
make sure + of-phrase
make sure + that-clause
① I think I locked the door,but I'll just go back and make sure of it/that I did.
②They made sure of winning by scoring two goals in the last five minutes.
2. Perhaps I'll go to that one。也许我会去听那个报告。
Maybe it was useful for some people.它(指报告)对一些人或许有益。
①Perhaps/Maybe I'll go.我或许会去。
②This is perhaps his best novel yet.这也许是他迄今为止写得最好的一部小说。
③Perhaps/Maybe you would like to join us for lunch.也许您愿意和我们一块去吃午饭。(表请求)
④You'd better go now,perhaps.您最好还是现在就走。(表命令)
⑤John probably told his father all about the matter;he usually tells him everything.约翰很可能把这一切都告诉了他的父亲;他通常对父亲是什么都说的。(表可能性很大)
⑥I'll do all I possibly can.我将尽我的所能去做。(与can连用)
⑦I can't possibly drink any more.我无论如何不能再喝了。
4.I doubt if he'll be asked to speak again next year.我怀疑明年是否会再次邀请他发言。
(1)doubt + that-clause。e.g.
I doubt that she will get the job.我不相信她会得到那个工作。
(2)doubt + 名词/代词。e.g.
I doubt his honesty.我对他的诚实表示怀疑。
(3)doubt + v.-ing form。e.g.
We ever doubted being able to finish the work in time.我们曾经对能否及时完成这工作怀疑过。
(4)doubt + of-phrase。e.g.
They have never doubted of success.他们从未对取得成功有什么怀疑。
如果要表示"对……没有怀疑/疑虑",则用句型There is no doubt about sth./as to sth./that-clause。
①There is no doubt about the truth of the news.=There is no doubt as to the troth Of the news.消息的真实性无可怀疑。
②There is no doubt that the news is true.=No doubt that the news is true. 消息无疑是真实的。
教学建议Lesson 2

Lesson 2词语辨析:
2.There was a certain mineral which was even more radioactive than uranium.
此句中的certain 是形容词,做定语,意思是"某,某一,某种,一定的",用来表达:
(1)不具体指明的某个,某些,或 知而不说的某事物,后接名词单复数形式均可。e.g.
① Water can be changed into ice or steam under certain conditions.水在一定的条件下可以变成冰或蒸汽。
②.He didn't come for a certain reason.由于某种原因,他没来。
(2) 表示一个知之不详的事物。e.g. A certain Ms Jones phoned you today. 有位琼斯女士今天给你来过电话。
certain与some 的区别:
certain , some 都可作形容词,作定语,表示"某,某个",前面说到certain 作定语表示不具体指明的某个,某些或知而不说的事物,或表示一个知之不祥的事物。而some则用来表示不确定的或不能够具体说明的某个人或某物,即不可知的某事物,只修饰单数可数名词,且不与冠词连用。e.g.
a. He went to some place in Africa. 他去了非洲的某个地方。
b. b. Some man asked to see you just now. 有个人刚才要求见你。
5. As months went by,the work seemed endless.时间一个月一个月地过去了,而他们的工作似乎并无止境。
(1)此句中go by是动词短语,意思是"(时光)逝去"(不及物性动词短语)。还可作"经过(某处)"(及物或不及物性动词短语)。e.g.
①Two years went by.两年过去了。
②We waited for the procession to go by。我们等着游行队伍经过。
③A truck went by us at full speed.一辆卡车从我们身旁全速通过。
④She let the chance go by.她错过了机会。
(2)go by还可作"依照,遵循,依据……办事"解,及物性动词短语.e.g.
He always goes by the rules.他总是按规则办事。
(3)go by还可意为"根据……作出判?quot;。e.g.
Going by her clothes,she must be very rich.从她的衣着来判断,她很有钱。
go by 与 pass by,pass的区别:
(1)go by和pass by是同义短语,都可指"经过"(某处),go by是动词+副词结构,意为"从……旁边经过,经过"。pass by意为"经过,通过,从……旁边经过",指经过人或物的面前或旁边而不停顿,也不注意所经过的人或物是谁。pass意为"经过",指在人或物的面前或旁边经过,侧重经过的动作。用pass by时,侧重不加注意的意味,但在实际上,pass和pass by常被毫无区别地使用。e.g.
①The bus went by the stop without stopping.那辆公共汽车停都没停就从汽车站开了过去。
②A car went by.一辆汽车驶过去。
③He passed by me without noticing me.他从我身边走过而没注意到我。
④I pass the church on my way to school.在我上学的路上经过教堂。
⑤She waved at me as she passed(by).她经过时向我挥了挥手。
(2)go by,pass by和pass又都可用来指时间"流逝,过去"。e.g.
①Several years went by before they met again.他们过了好几年才再次见面。
②A year passed by,and still she had not found a suitable job.一年过去了,但她仍然没找到合适的工作。
③Two years has passed since I entered this school.我进这所学校已两年了。
8.Its rays could go through every mineral except lead.它的射线可以穿透除铝以外的所有其他矿物质。
(1)此句中go through是动词短语,意思是"穿过,贯穿",后接名词。e.g.
The train went through some tunnels.火车通过了若干隧道。
(2)go through还可指"(法律等)被通过",作不及物或及物性动词短语。e.g.
①The bill has gone through without a vote.该法案未经投票表决就通过了。
②The plan must go through several stages.这项计划必须经过几个阶段才能通过。
(3)go through还可作"遭受,经历,忍受"解,及物性短语动词。e.g.
The country has gone through too many wars.这个国家经历了太多的战争。
(4)go through还可指"用掉,花掉",及物性动词短语。e.g.
Have you gone through all your money already?你已经把所有的钱都花光了吗?
(5)go through还可作"仔细检查,审查",及物性短语动词。e.g.
I'm sure it's there-I'll go through the file again.我确信它就在那儿, 我要再次仔细检查一下那文件。
10.She refused to treat these new discoveries as though they belonged to her,and instead shared all her knowledge with the whole scientific world.她不同意把这些新发现看作是属于她自己的东西,而是献出自己的全部知识,与整个科学界共享。
(1)此句中as though =as if意思是"好像,仿佛",作连词,后接方式状语从句。从句的谓语动词一般要用虚拟语气,即动词用过去时或过去完成时。e.g.
①She always talks to me as though/if she were/was my sister.她总是以我妹妹的口气跟我说话。
②He walked slowly as if he had hurt his leg.他慢慢地走,好像腿受伤的样子。
但as though/if从句在look,seem后,从句的谓语动词可不用虚拟语气。e•g.
①She looks as if she's going to cry.她看起来要哭似的。
②It seems as though he has been at the scene of the crime.看样子他好像曾在犯罪现场。
(2)句中belong to意为"属于",及物性短语动词。注意此词组无被动浯态,无进行时态。e.g.
That dictionary belongs to me.那本辞典是我的。
I belong to the tennis club.我是这个网球俱乐部的会员。
① The boy shared his toy with other children.那男孩把他的玩具拿出来,和其他小孩子一起玩。
②Would you share your newspaper with me?我们-起看报好吗?
share...with与share...between/among 的区别:
① He shared his property between his wife,his daughter and his son.他把他的财产分给了他的妻子、女儿和儿子。
② Mother is sharing the cakes among/between the boys to make sure that every boy gets some.妈妈在给孩子们分糕点以确保每个孩子得到一份。
11.Which mineral would you use to protect yourself against radium?你会用哪种矿物来保护自己不受镭的伤害呢? ,
句中protect sb./sth.against意思是"防御,保护……使不受(伤害)",这里介词against也可换成from,即protect sb./sth.from..。e.g.
①A line of forts was built along the border to protect the country against attack.边界沿线构筑了碉堡,以防敌人进攻该国。
②He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight. 他戴着太阳镜以挡强烈的阳光。
说明:protect against...和protect...from用法基本相同。防御较为严重的伤害,通常用介词against,一般情况常用from,但区分不是很严格。e.g.
Cares should be taken at all times to protect the equipment against/from dust and damp.应当经常注意保护设备,不使其积尘和受潮。
教学建议Lesson 3
Lesson 3词语辨析:
1.polonium is used to set off a nuclear bomb.钋用来引爆核弹。
(1)本句中set off 意思是"使……爆炸",及物性短浯动词:e.g.
They set off the fireworks as soon as it got dark.天一黑他们就放焰火(烟花)。
(2)set off 还可指"出发,动身",不及物性短语动词。e.g.
They set off in search of the lost child.他们出发去寻找那个丢失的孩子。
(3)set off 还可意为"引起,触发",及物性短语动词。e.g.
①That strike set off a series of strikes throughout the country.那次罢工引发了全国一系列的罢工。
②A letter from home set off an attack of homesickness.一封家书触发了他的思乡病的发作。
(4)set off 还可指"使某人突然产生某种活动",其后往往接v.-ing,即set s.b.off doing sth.e.g.
Whatever you say will set her off crying.不管你说什么都会使她哭泣。
(5)set off还可指"衬托,使更明显"。e.g.
This gold frame sets off your painting well.这金色的框架把你的画衬托得非常好看。
搭配辨析set off 与setout,set about
(1)set out也可意为"出发,动身",用法与set off同,不及物性短语动词。e.g.
They set out/off on a sightseeing tour.他们动身出去观光旅行。
(2)set out还可指"开始着手,做某事",后接动词不定式。e.g.
We set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part.我们为油漆整座房子开始干起来,但只完成了前面部分。
(3)set out可指"陈列,摆出,安排",及物性短语动词。e.g.
①Set out the chairs for the meeting in rows of ten.摆好开会的坐椅,每排十张。
②The meal was set out on a long table.饭菜摆在一张长桌子上。
(4)set out还可指"表明,陈述,阐述(事实、理由等)"。e.g.
The reasons for my decision are set out in my report.我作出决定的理由在我的报告中作了阐述。
(5)set about意为"开始做或处理,着手",其后接名词或v.-ing,即set about + sth./doing sth.e.g.
① The sooner we set about it the sooner we'll finish.我们越早开始就可以越早完成这件工作。
②We set about cleaning up mess.我们开始把乱七八糟的东西打扫干净。
(6)set about还可指"攻击",及物性短语动词。e.g.
Our dog set about the postman.我们的狗追着要咬邮递员。
(1)be used as与be used for,be used to sth./doing sth,be used to do sth.的区别:
be used as和be used for都意为"用作",不同的是as后通常接名词,for后多接v.-ing;be used to sth./doing sth.意为"习惯于某事/做某事",to在这里是介词;be used to do sth.意为"被用于做某事";used to do 意为"过去常常做某事",used to这里是助动词:e.g.
①During the war the castle was used as a prison.战争期间城堡用来作监狱。
②During the war the castle was used for keeping prisoners in.战争期间城堡用来监禁囚犯。
③I'm used to the noise.我对这噪音已经习惯了。
④I'm not used to getting up early.我不习惯于早起。
⑤Wind can be used to produce electricity•风可以用来发电。
⑥This river used to be clean.这条河以前是干净的。
(2)a cure for...与cure sb.of...的区别:
a cure for...意为"对…的治疗",cure这里作名词;"cure sb. of"意为"治好或治愈某人的...病",cure这里作及物动词。e.g.
①This is a certain cure for your laziness.这是治懒惰的特效药
②Moving to the country cured her of asthma.搬到乡下她的哮喘就好了。
be admired as与be admired for的区别:
(1)be admired as意为"被当作……为人们所钦佩",as是介词,意为"作为"。
(2)be admired for意为"因(某种原因)而为人们所钦佩",for是介词,表示原因。e.g.
He is really admired for his frankness.他以他的坦诚实在为人们所钦佩。
pay off与pay for,pay,pay...for...的区别:
pay off + debt指"还清"债款
pay for sth.指"对(某物)的款"
pay sb.some money意为."付给某人(多少)钱"。
pay sb./money for sth.意为"付给(某人款/钱买某物)"。 e.g.
①She tried to leave the shop without paying for the dress.她企图买衣服不付款就离开商店。
②He paid the servant 5 dollars to wash his car.他付给佣人五元钱叫他洗车。
③He paid her for the work.他付给她工钱。
④I paid £200 for the painting.这幅画我花了二百英镑。
⑤Did you pay him l00 dollars for that old bike你付给他那辆旧自行车了吗?
1) 限定性定语从句:限定性定语从句对所修饰的先行词起限定作用。 限定性定语从句中关系词的使用列表如下:
主语 关系代词:who/that(指人) which/that(指物 关系代词不能省略
宾语 who/whom/that(指人)
which/that(指物) 关系代词在非正式
定语 whose 名词前表所有关系
介词+关系代词 whom(指人) which(指物) 关系代词不能用who或that
whose(定语) 名词前表所有关系
状语 关系副词:when(时间) where(地点)why(原因) 先行词为表时间、
①Anna was an American writer who/that interviewed Mao Ze dong in Ya'an.(指人作主语)
②The friends whom/who/that we met in the park were from Egypt.(指人作宾语)
③A taxi is a car (that/which)you can hire.(指物作宾语) 出租车是你可以租用的小汽车。
④Many forests where the animals lived were destroyed.(作状语)
⑤We ought to help those families whose men are in the army.(作定语)
⑥He looked at the box from which the voice came.(介词+关系代词)
例:They visited the city of Hangzhou,which is famous for its beautiful scene.他们参观了杭州城,它以风景秀丽而闻名。
①Big floods hit some parts of China in the summer of 1998,which caused a great damage to the country.1998年夏中国部分地区遭受特大洪灾,给国家带来了巨大损失。(指代整个句子)
②They got married on July 1,1997,when Hong Kong returned to our motherland.他们于1997年7月1日喜结良缘,香港在这一天回归祖国。(指代时间作状语)
①a:I'll never forget the days which/that I spent in the country.(which作spent的宾语)
b:I'll never forget the days when I worked in the country.(when代替in the days作状语)
②a:They came to the small village,which was hundreds of miles from the city.(which在从句中作主语)
b:They came to the small village,where not more than l00 villagers lived.(where代替in the village作状语)他们来到这个小村庄,那里的村民不超过一百人。
2)the time,the way等为先行词时关系词的使用。
例:By the time (when/that) they arrived,the house had been destroyed completely.等他们到达时,房子已完全烧毁了。
(2)the way用作先行词,关系代词作介词in的宾语时,通常介词与关系代词可以同时省略;如不使用"in",则不能用关系代词。
例:He hated the ways(which/that)she talked (in).他不喜欢她说话的方式。
(1) 关系代词前有形容词的最高级修饰时。
This is the funniest drama that I have seen.这是我看过的最滑稽的剧。
例:①Everything that was taught in class seemed easy for him. 对他来说课堂上教的一切似乎很容易。
例:①It was the only textbook that could be found.这是能够找到的仅有的一本课本。
②This is the very dictionary that I want to get.这正是我想得到的词典。
例:It was the maths book that the boy was in search of.这是这个男孩正在寻找的数学书。
5)whose与of which/whom
(2)of which/whom还可表示"其中的……"(整体的部分)
例:He told us many stories about Long March,of which this is a good example.他给我们讲了许多关于长征的故事,这是其中一个很好的例子。
1.The result of the experiment was very good, ____ we hadn't expected. (NMET2000,10)
2.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play,____,of course,made the others unhappy.
A.when B.which C.this D.what
3.Carol said the work would be done by October,____ personally I doubt very much.(NMET99,19)
A.it B.that C.then D.which
4.The weather turned out to be very good,____ was more than we could expect. (NMET94,39)
A.what B.which C.that D.it
As we all know,he never smokes. The foolish boy made the mistake again,as could be expected. ____ is mentioned above,the number of students in senior high school is increasing.('99上海,4)
A.Which B.As C.That D.It
He is a farmer as/which is clear from his manners.(在从句中作主语)
This elephant is like a snake,as/which anybody can see.(在从句中作宾语)
2. which引导的非限制性定语从句一般放在句末,而as引导的非限制性定语从句可放在句末,也可放在句中、句首。置于句首时,不能用which替换。如:
Crusoe lost his dog, which made him very sad.
Taiwan is part of China, as/which is known to all.
As we have seen, oceans cover more than 70 percent of the earth.
Cyprus, as you all know, is in the Mediterranean.大家都知道,塞浦路斯在地中海。
Bamboo is hollow,which makes it very light。竹子是空的,所以很轻。
He married her,as was natural.
She refused to take the medicine,which made her mother angry.
It rained hard yesterday,which prevented her from going to Shenyang.
但若从句谓语是usually, happen,be often the case等时,仍用关系代词as,不用which。如:
He is absent,as is often the case.
1.误:We visited a factory where makes toys for children.
正:We visited a factory which that makes toys for children.
析:此句错误的原因是把先行词a factory当作从句中的状 语,实际上先行词a factory在从句中充当动词makes的主语。故关系词应使用which或that。
2.误:After living in Paris for 50years,he returned to the small town that he grew up as a child。
正:After living in Paris for 50years, he returned to the small town where he grew up as a child。
析:此句错误的原因是把先行词the small town当作从句中的宾语,实际上从句中缺少地点状语。因为从句中谓语动词grew up是一个不及物动词短语,其后的as a child已充当了宾语,故从句中缺少状语,应使用关系副词where。
3.误:He paid the boy $15 for washing ten windows,most of them hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.
正:He paid the boy $15 for washing ten windows, most of which hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.
误:This is the boy with him he worked.
正:This is the boy(that/whom) he worked with。
正:This is the boy with whom he worked.
析:在定语从句中,如果介词及介词短语用在从句前,其后必须用关系代词which(指物)、whom(指人)。上面两误句中先行词windows(物),the boy(人)应分别使用most of which和with whom。如果介词及介词短语用在从句句尾,应按普通定语从句对待。
作者: 高放    时间: 2011-8-19 11:08
a 知识目标:掌握下列单词及短语:
cartoon take along in the hope of lose heart day after day unsuccessful character
b 能力目标:提高学生各方面的能力,加强学生语感方面训练,使学生能灵活运用所学英语进行口语表达。
c 德育目标:教育学生学习迪斯尼锲而不舍的精神,使学生具有良好的心理素质,形成好的学习习惯。
d 重点、难点
首先, 以课文为中心,以情景引路,以理解和运用为目的。力求做到情景领先,意含其间,以情激听,以景促解。使学生形成一种渴求掌握知识的内在需要和强大动力。从而使学生加深对语言材料的理解,轻松获得外语语感和增强记忆力。
1、用动画片头导入。 目的是运用小电影式的开场,激发学生浓厚的兴趣,为学习课文做准备。
2、背景介绍。 画面出现三张迪斯尼青年、中年和老年的照片配英语旁白。引导学生猜出照片上的人物迪斯尼,然后让学生谈谈他们所了解的迪斯尼。
5、放映有关课文内容的卡通片、图片、音乐及英语配音。 目的是激发学生兴趣。使学生在享受画面的同时锻炼听力。使学生在脱离汉语干扰的情况下,直接用英语去理解画面。使学生真正用英语思维去理解课文。
7、讲解语言点(包括情景演示)。 目的是使学生掌握重点词组及其用法。
9、根据画面及文字提示,用英语讲故事。为学生提供两套有文字提示的画面《白雪公主》 和 《灰姑娘》。学生可根据自己的兴趣选择一个。目的是训练学生口头作文和口语表达能力。
I Teaching purpose
1. Grasp the following words and expressions:
cartoon take along in the hope of lose heart day after day unsuccessful character
2.Grasp the story:
A something about Walt Disney’s life
B the birth of Mickey Mouse
II Emphasis and Difficulty:
Emphasis: have a good idea about the text and the new expressions
Difficulty: English oral composition practice
III Teaching and learning methods:
Elicitation;watch and answer; explain and practice; conclusion
IV Teaching procedures:
Step I Presentation
I think you must be interested in the opening. And you are familiar with Walt Disney’s movies. But do you know some further information about Walt? What was his early life like? How did he succeed? How did he create his first cartoon character Mickey Mouse? Today we’ll learn about it. Next please guess who the three man on the screen are.
Step II Show three photos of Disney ( young, middle-aged and old) and let the students guess who they are.
Do you know what family he came from? Please listen carefully and tell me what his father and mother were.-----alide (旁白):
Now, can you tell me something about Walt Disney as far as you know?
Step III Show some pictures of Disney movies and let the Ss guess the name of the movies. Finally give them the answers. Now, class.Disney and his film company produced many cartoons for the children. I’ll show you some .You guess at them and tell me the answers, OK?
Next, show other names of Disney’s cartoons on the screen for the Ss to see ,both in English and Chinese.
Step IV Read the text quickly and then write notes about Walt Disney’s life so that Ss can have a better understanding about Walt Disney and his work, cartoon characters and success. Then show them the answers on the screen.
Born: ______________________________________
Died : ______________________________________
Wish: _______________________________________
Work: _______________________________________
Cartoon characters: _____________________________
Became well-known: ____________________________
Step V Cartoon watching and questions
Now class.You’ll be watching some wonderful cartoons and pictures together with some English and music about the text. After watching them, you’ll do some “True” or “False” questions.
True or False questions according to the text:
( ) 1. Walt Disney wanted to be a film-maker when he was still young
( ) 2. He went to a newspaper office to look for a job. He was refused because he was too young. ( ) 3. When he failed to get a job from the newspaper office, his friends laughed at him.
( ) 4. When he was drawing in the garage, he saw a mouse and then he played with it in the car. ( )5. Mickey Mouse was just the one he saw in the garage.
Step VI Language points
1. lose heart vi. 灰心,丧气; lose one’s heart to …. vt. 爱上
Though he failed to pass the exam, he didn’t lose heart.
We won’t lose heart even though we fail.
I lost my heart to the little girl at the first sight of her.
2. in the hope of = in hopes of =hoping that =hoping to
Many children went abroad th the hope of receiving further education.
He went to Shenzhen in hopes of finding a nice job.
He went to Shenzhen , hoping to find a nice job.
3.day after day 一天又一天,强调重复性
day by day 一天天,强调有变化
(Here I use too cartoons to show the difference between them)
The little girl waters the flowers day after day.
The tree grows day by day.
We can also say month by month month after month  
year by year year after year
Step VII Multiple choice
( ) 1.She said that we shouldn’t _____ in time of difficulties.
A lose hearts B lose our hearts C lose heart D lose the heart
( ) 2.She _____to me with this pen I had once presented her with.
A was used to write B used to writing C used to write D used to be written
( ) 3.My uncle wrote me a letter last week_____hard.
A encouraging me to study B encouraging me studying  
C to encourage me study D to encourage me studying
( )4._____the girl came and looked after the old woman.
A Day after day B A day after a day C Days after days D One day after one day
( )5.He wrote her a letter ____getting back her love.
A in hope of B in the hope of C in hopes D hoping of  
Step VIII Story telling. Ss choose either of them
1.《Snow White and the seven dwarfs》 pictures shown on the screen
Key words: Snow White witch( 巫婆) poisonous Seven Dwarfs magic mirror lose heart in the hope of  
2. 《Cinderella 》 pictures shown on the screen Key words: Cinderalla( 灰姑娘) crystal shoes ( 水晶鞋) stepmother  Stepsisters pumpkin ( 南瓜) envy (嫉妒) cruel lose heart in the hope of  Step IX Consolidation of the text  Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms When Walt Disney was a young man, he wanted very much to be an artist. One day he ____along some of his pictures and _____to a newspaper office in the hope of _____ a job there. But they were not _____in his pictures. His friends tried to ______ him. Disney didn’t _____ heart. He ______to draw lots of pictures. His family was poor and he used to _____ in the family garage and _____ pictures there. One day a mouse ______ into the garage and ______ on the floor. Disney ______drawing and ______ the mouse. The mouse _____ towards him, so he ______ it a piece of bread. Then the mouse came and _____ on his table. Day after day the mouse _____ back and was ______ more bread. In this way over several days the artist and his mouse ______ good friends. Step X Homework
Try to retell the story according to the consolidation of the text above-mentioned.
作者: 天明教育    时间: 2011-9-1 11:27
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回复 1# 高放

作者: 有一首歌    时间: 2011-12-19 14:26
作者: stephanie_zr    时间: 2011-12-19 14:59
作者: so8ph6ie    时间: 2011-12-27 19:30
作者: wrlenglish    时间: 2011-12-28 08:17
作者: Iceiing    时间: 2012-1-6 08:50

作者: yimi    时间: 2012-1-6 18:18
作者: fjruby    时间: 2012-1-8 08:21

作者: 孝感老顽童    时间: 2012-1-8 18:58
vb dfhskaewo ehiwhf   ehrio;R FFIO FRH
作者: melody0806    时间: 2012-1-13 12:48

作者: 猫猫加聪聪    时间: 2012-1-13 18:37
haodd 二
作者: 丸子    时间: 2012-1-14 11:34

作者: 芊苧    时间: 2012-1-16 17:34
作者: zjhkin    时间: 2012-1-17 16:40

作者: 颜若    时间: 2012-1-24 17:09

作者: 甜甜糖心    时间: 2012-1-25 10:23

作者: xuzhaobaby    时间: 2012-1-31 23:17
作者: xuzhaobaby    时间: 2012-1-31 23:27
作者: 909467694    时间: 2012-2-1 22:07

作者: huangchai    时间: 2012-2-7 12:24
作者: 李小晚    时间: 2012-2-8 16:00
作者: 刘芳君    时间: 2012-2-14 14:52
作者: Zoe。    时间: 2012-2-16 20:12
作者: eee    时间: 2012-2-18 21:25
作者: M_e    时间: 2012-3-7 14:52

作者: 米糕大人    时间: 2012-3-10 12:34
看看看 看一眼
作者: winnieczy    时间: 2012-3-10 22:41
作者: 冥雪之海    时间: 2012-3-11 09:58
作者: 殊:-(笙    时间: 2012-3-13 13:25
作者: 手九点    时间: 2012-3-18 13:01

作者: candylung    时间: 2012-3-20 18:04
作者: 米什Low    时间: 2012-3-21 19:35

作者: mmmingzhu    时间: 2012-3-26 17:43
太感谢了楼主  我正发愁那
作者: Woods    时间: 2012-4-3 18:30

作者: 浅唱逐梦    时间: 2012-4-5 20:24
作者: hengzhifengwu    时间: 2012-4-8 12:48
一直很喜 欢英语,不过不是英语专业啊
作者: 丫头connie    时间: 2012-4-8 17:23

作者: heqingqing    时间: 2012-4-11 15:09
作者: summer2717    时间: 2012-4-11 22:43

作者: 珺仔    时间: 2012-4-12 22:51
作者: alysonfsh    时间: 2012-4-13 17:15
作者: Yan    时间: 2012-4-17 19:36

作者: pennyshen    时间: 2012-4-17 22:07

作者: 幸福溜走    时间: 2012-4-18 12:04

作者: 浅笑nancy    时间: 2012-4-18 22:43
作者: 歆歆之声    时间: 2012-4-22 10:37
作者: 飞鸿踏雪啼    时间: 2012-4-22 11:56

作者: ︶ㄣJūly_Ⅲ    时间: 2012-4-22 22:45

作者: じ☆壊吖头☆    时间: 2012-4-26 10:31
作者: 灰豆    时间: 2012-4-27 20:25
作者: vanvan    时间: 2012-4-28 14:06
谢谢分享 ~~~
作者: 蛋蛋    时间: 2012-4-29 22:15

作者: 云中漫步YY    时间: 2012-5-3 08:57

作者: stopmeagain    时间: 2012-5-5 12:33
好资料啊 就是下不了啊
作者: joyce    时间: 2012-5-5 14:10
作者: 雨酸    时间: 2012-5-7 17:16
作者: ~_hu    时间: 2012-5-10 16:28
作者: Tanya    时间: 2012-5-12 16:39

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