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[英语] 英语教师备考:句子的种类之否定结构

发表于 2016-1-23 14:59:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
英语和任何语言一样,也有肯定结构与否定结构之分。肯定结构较易理解,但否定结构较为复杂。英语里的否定结构多用否定词not以及never, no, none, nothing等来表示。关于否定结构的基本用法,已在本书有关章节讲过,这里我们只讲否定结构的种类以及一些习惯用法。否定结构主要有下列几类:
(1)This is not a book.这不是书。(否定全句This is a book.)
(2)He won’t come.他不会来。(否定全句He will come.)
(3)Don’t you go?你不去吗?(否定全句Do you go?)
(4)He is my nephew, not my son.他是我的侄儿,不是我的儿子。(否定my son)
(5)I told him not to go out.我叫他不要出去。(否定to go out)
(6)Not knowing, I cannot say.我不知道,所以说不上。(not否定knowing, I cannot say则是一个一般否定句)
(7)I don’t think he will come.我想他不会来。(not不是否定think,而是否定he will come)
(8)I can’t seem to get to sleep at nights.我最近夜里简直睡不着。(=I seem not to be able to get to sleep at nights. not所否定的不是seem,而是to get to sleep at nights)
(9)All that glitters is not gold.发光的不都是金子。(not否定的不是is,而是all)
(10)Every morning he went out early to fish, but he had made a rule not to cast his net more than four times.他每天早上出去捕鱼,但他规定撒网不超过4次。(not所否定的不是to cast his net而是more than four times)
(11)He don’t know nothing.他啥也不知道。(用两个否定词not和nothing强调否定)
(12)Nobody don’t know we’re here.没有谁知道我们在这儿。(用两个否定词nobody和not强调否定)
(13)She said Dr. Kaplan didn’t want him to have no more treatments.她说卡普兰大夫不想再给他治疗了。(用not和no强调否定)
(14)I never got no sleep in those days.那些日子我怎么也睡不着。(用never和no强调否定)
(15)There was not a single nook, no hiding place ,no nothing.没有一个角落,没有藏身之地,什么也没有。(用no和nothing强调否定)
(16)I cannot go, no farther.我不能走了,不能再走了。(用no表接续否定)
(17)One man cannot lift it, no, nor half a dozen.这东西一个人是举不起的,不,六个人也不行。(用no和nor表接续否定)
(18)None of them can swim, not one.他们都不会游泳,没有一个会游泳。(用not表接续否定)
(19)I shall give the details to no one, not even to you.各种细节我不会告诉任何人,就连你也不例外。(用not表接续否定,not常和even连用)
(20)I wouldn’t let you touch me, not if I was starving.我就是要饿死也不会让你碰我。(用not表接续否定,not常和if连用)
(21)I should worry.我才不放在心上哩。
(22)You are telling me.不用你说,我早知道了。(亦可译作“还用你说!”)
(23)Catch me doing that again!我决不会再犯了!
(24)He is the last man I want to me.他是我最不愿见的人。
(25)It is a wise father that knows his own child.无论怎样聪明的父亲也未必了解自己的孩子。
(31)-Will he die?他会死吗?-I hope not.我希望不会。(=I hope he will not die)
(32)-Can you come?你能来吗?-I’m afraid not.恐怕不能。(=I’m afraid I cannot come)
(33)They’d be bound to know if it was all right or not.他们一定会知道它是否没有问题。(or not = or it was not all right)
(34)We can’t not go.我们不能不去。(否定词的连用)
(35)He uttered not a word.他一言不发。(not = not a single)
(36)They are not nearly enough.它们根本不够。(not nearly = not at all)
(37)Not that I know of.就我所知,不是那一回事。(not that = not as far as)
(38)She ignored the common forms of behaviour. Not that she was rude.她不理会一般行为准则。这倒不是说她粗鲁无礼。(not that = I do not say that)
(39)I’ll be damned if it is true.绝对没有这回事!(I’ll be damned(或hanged)if… 用于通俗口语中,表示强烈的否定)
(40)(40)He sells books, toys and what not.他出售书籍、玩具等等。(and what not意谓“等等”)
(41)Last night not a few members were present.昨晚有不少会员出席。(not a few = a fairly large number of)
(42)He drank not a little of the wine.那酒他喝了不少。(drank not a little = drank a lot)
(43)The taxi is not five yards away.那辆出租汽车离这儿不到5码。(not = less than)
(44)Rome was not built in one day.罗马非一日建成。(not = more than)
(45)Not so bad.很好。(= Very good)
最后,必须指出,否定词除上述not, never, no, none, nothing等外,还有表示近似否定的seldom, scarcely, hardly, little, few等。如:
(46)I seldom see him.我很少见到他。
(47)I can scarcely hear him.我几乎听不见他说的话。
(48)I can hardly believe it.我简直不能相信。
(49)We had little rain last year.去年我们没有多少雨。
(50)He is a man of few words.他是一个寡言少语的人。

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